Page 27 of Summer Heat

“Yes, well, I called ahead a few days ago and had several of the shops on Main Street order in what I wanted for Greer to try on from the mainland.” Her eyes shift to her daughter, and they sharpen. “I also made sure they had things that are in your size. You know, just to be safe. You really ought to take better care of yourself, Greer. You’ve put on quite a bit of weight while you were away at school. It’s rather embarrassing, really.”

What in the actual fuck is this woman talking about?

Greer’s cheeks burn hotly, and she clutches the strap of the purse dangling from her shoulder tightly. This is complete bullshit. She has not one thing to be ashamed about when it comes to her body. This old broad is a real piece of work, that’s for sure.

“If you can’t find everything in town, then you’ll need to make the half hour drive to Star Cove. I’m sure it will be worth it, though, to finally have some decent clothes to wear instead of the rags you brought home with you from school.”

“Thanks, Mom,” Greer mumbles while looking down at her ridiculous sandals.

“I trust you’ll take good care of her, Matthew. Keep a good eye on her, we don’t want her getting lost or even worse, blowing off the shops for the library. And do be a gentleman and help her with her bags. Remember to be on your best behavior, because even though you won’t be here, you’ll still be representing this place and my family. Do not embarrass us. Either of you.”

With those sweet words and not so much as even a hug for her daughter, the snooty woman turns around on her expensive heels and gracefully saunters away.

Rich people can be such assholes. This is one of the truths I’ve learned every summer while working for the rich tourists that keep the economy of our little island alive.

I open the back door of the black luxury sedan I’m saddled with today and wave for Greer to get her fine ass inside. She doesn’t make me wait long, and she also refuses to make eye contact with me. I sigh heavily as I shut the door behind her.

I can’t really blame her for not wanting anything to do with me after I ran my mouth at her yesterday and acted like a dick. I owe her an apology, and it’s best we get that part out of the way if we’re to spend the majority of the day together so she can go back to being sweet Greer instead of this sad, salty one that’s no fun and makesmesad. Where’s her damn backbone? I want it back.

I don’t want to spend my day like that, and Greer doesn’t deserve it.

I messed up. I did wrong. Now the time has come to own up to it and fix it before it has a chance to get any worse.

I slide into the driver’s seat and immediately relax against the smooth, lush leather. Thanks to having left the car running, it’s nice and chilly in here and my ass is no longer sweating in this sweltering heat and my uniform. The uniform is the one part I don’t like about my job. I know I’m not an Uber driver and can’t cart people around in board shorts and a tank, but damn, even a polo and a nice pair of cargo shorts would do the job just fine. I’d even be good with a black tee.

And shit, don’t even get me started on my cap.

Total bullshit.

But I like driving. It’s easy money, and when the privacy partition is up—like it is right now—I don’t even have to talk to anyone.

The only problem is now I don’t want that partition to be up. I don’t want there to be barriers between Greer and myself, and it sucks knowing that I’m the one who put them there.

The silence is deafening as I pull out of the resort and head into town. I wish I had even a little bit of Drew’s friendliness or Brady’s outgoingness right about now. Both would know how to handle this situation. Hell, neither would even be in this situation with Greer in the first place, but surprise, surprise, here I am.

Ten minutes later, when I pull up out front of one of the shops, I still haven’t come up with a solution, and despite the air being on full blast, I’m starting to sweat again for reasons that have got jack shit to do with the weather.

I park the sedan in a choice spot right up front and shut it down. I’m out and opening up the back door before she can even think of insulting me and doing it herself. She seems like the type to do something like that just to prove to me how wrong I am about her. I already know that, so I don’t need another demonstration.

She slides out of her seat and once again doesn’t bother looking at me, which is really beginning to piss me off.

“Despite what my mother said, you don’t actually need to come inside with me. Why don’t you take a couple of hours off and then come back to pick me up? I won’t say anything to anyone, I swear, but I don’t want you here waiting for me. It’s going to make me uncomfortable, and seriously, there’s got to be something better you can do with your time. I’d ask you for your number so I can just text you when I’m ready for you to come back and pick me up, but we both know you don’t want someone like me to have your phone number, so you’re off the hook. Come back in two hours, and I promise I won’t make you spend any more time with me than strictly necessary today by making a trip out to Star Cove. I have a license, so if I need something else, I’ll take one of the cars out and get it myself.”

Yeah, I definitely hurt her feelings and now she’s ready to be done with me. The problem is I’m not ready for her to walk away from me, I’m just getting started with her.

I close the door and beep the locks on the key fob before stuffing them into the front pocket of my slacks. My eyes drop to her fine ass in that dress as she starts strutting away from me. I hope she doesn’t think she’s getting away from me that easily.

I’ll happily chase after her. And I do.

I catch up to her on the sidewalk before a trendy boutique that actually looks really cool and not snobby in the slightest.

Rushing around her, I reach the door first and hold it open for her like the gentleman her bitch of a mother ordered me to be. I’d even do it if she hadn’t ordered me to because I’m not a complete asshole and a girl like Greer deserves to be treated a certain way.

“I’m sorry,” I blurt out while she walks through the open doorway. “For yesterday. For being a dick. For everything. It won’t happen again.”

That last part’s a lie. Dickhole syndrome doesn’t just disappear in a day, and if she sticks around, it will come out again. She’ll just have to get used to it and then get over it, and eventuallyI’llget used to her and be less and less of an asshole to her once she proves she really is everything the promise of her gives off.

“You actually did apologize the night before yesterday, and then you turned around and acted like a dick again. Now you want me to believe you?” she asks disbelievingly.