Page 26 of Summer Heat



I’m a dick.

I know I am and that I really shouldn’t be because she doesn’t deserve it, but I just can’t seem to stop myself. I can’t explain what the fuck comes over me every time she’s nearby. I swear to God, it’s like an out-of-body experience, as if I were watching myself acting like a total asshat.

Yesterday I took it too far and I hurt her, which Drew reamed my ass for after she ran away from us. Rightfully so.

Today I promised to be better, to do better, but one look at her and all my good intentions fly right out the window.

She’s so damn pretty and sweet and very much out of my league. I think that’s what really bothers me and makes me pick on her and act like a prick. I keep expecting her to be something she’s not, and she keeps surprising me by being all that she really is.

A fucking wet dream come to life.


Yesterday I followed her after she ran off and hid in the trees like a freaking pervert, watching her swim.

She came out of the water in that red bikini looking like she just stepped off the set ofBaywatch. I’ve been fighting to keep my dick from getting hard just at the thought of her ever since, and I had to jack off twice last night before bed just to get her out of my system, only to wake up this morning with a hard-on that had her name on it, ready to go for another round.

She’s reduced me to worse than a goddamn teenager who just discovered the magic of his dick getting hard for the first time. It’s bullshit, really, but not entirely her fault.

Right now my eyes are drawn to her in a way I know they always will be whenever she’s in my line of sight. My sole focus. I can’t take my eyes off of her.

Not that I even try.

She’s got on flip-flops today that are utterly ridiculous because they have a big, floppy daisy on the top of them. Her dress is black and strapless but long, flowing all the way down to her feet. You’d think all that flowing material would hide her curves, but it only serves to expose them more.

And, lastly, but probably my favorite part, her thick, long hair is down and out in all its glory. It’s so long it floats around her like it’s an entirely different entity. Like a golden halo. She could totally be a goddess or a nymph in one of those renaissance paintings Drew dragged me and Brady to see when we visited him during his year training in a restaurant in Italy.

An image floats through my mind, and my dick immediately turns to stone—her astride me, slowly rocking her hips, as she grinds onto my dick with all that hair floating around her and brushing against my chest with every move.


I can’t be at work sporting a boner. I hunch over a little, hoping it makes the tent in my pants a little less noticeable.

I look down and sigh in defeat.

No such luck.

My big guy is standing proud and at the ready.

At least it’s a beautiful day to get canned for being grossly inappropriate.

Mrs. Manning chooses that moment to smile coyly at me while licking her lips. And, just like that, the problem with my dick is no longer a problem. I know she likes ’em young because she tried it with my boy, but damn, I don’t need her looking my way. Not while I’m checking out her fine as fuck daughter. Or ever, really. I don’t have mommy issues that I need or want to bang out with an older, stick up her ass lady. Not that her age itself would be a problem, but women like Mrs. Manning and her eldest daughter aren’t my type, that’s all.

Greer’s shoulders slump forward and she bows her head. Whatever her mother is saying to her clearly doesn’t make her feel all that great and leaves me curious. I heard how she allowed her sister to treat her, and I can only imagine the way her mother walks all over her, which is weird to me because she’s got no problem putting me back in my place when she feels the need to. So why does she act like this around the hateful women in her family?

The two women head my way, and I stand up straight as I smooth out my jacket. It’s too hot for the uniform, but at least the air conditioning in the car works like a champ.

“Good afternoon, Matthew,” Mrs. Manning drawls lazily. “I’m afraid you are just going to be taking Greer shopping downtown. It seems I’ve accidentally overbooked myself for today, and I wouldn’t want to disappoint our guests.”

She smiles indulgently at me while patting my cheek softly.

I remain impassible, as if I wasn’t even noticing the way her eyes are giving me a once over. I don’t recoil from her touch, but I’d be lying if I said that I’m not relieved when she takes her hand away. Any excuse to touch the staff, eh, pervert?

“What a shame,” I force out brightly, and it kind of is because now she’s forcing me to be alone with Greer, and I can imagine that after yesterday she’s not my biggest fan.