Page 24 of Summer Heat

“Thank you,” I say gratefully.

He leaves me just long enough to go inside and comes back with two cold bottles of water. He doesn’t invite me in, and I don’t try to follow him, getting the sense that he doesn’t want to invite me into his private space.

He comes back out wearing a faded blue shirt, and I’d be lying if I said I’m not disappointed that he’s no longer shirtless.

I take the bottle and he apologizes to me, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck.

“Sorry, I’d invite you in, but last night I drank a little too much, and Matt and I crashed in the living room. We both had to get up early for work, and I didn’t have the chance to tidy up.”

I nod, taking a sip from the bottle and looking at Drew’s high cheekbones shaded by long, dark eyelashes.

Guys are supposed to be messy anyways, right?

He sets his bottle on the floor, sitting by my side and taking my injured hand in his. “Let me have a better look,” he says, holding my hand to examine it and following the lines on my palm with sure fingers.

I flinch when he touches the swollen area.

“Sorry,” he whispers.

“It’s not your fault, Drew. It’s crazy how something so tiny can hurt so damn much, isn’t it?”

“This is getting worse,” he decides. “I can see just a tiny bit of the splinter, but it looks like it’s mostly embedded in your skin. Tweezers would be great, and I have some in the kitchen, but not in the first aid kit. Matt isn’t going to be happy if I send him straight back. There’s something else I could try if you trust me,” he says with those kind, sexy eyes fixed on mine.

I nod, and he brings my hand to his mouth, latching onto the spot where the splinter is and sucking lightly.

“Ouch,” I complain, and he explains that he’s going to suck the splinter out of my skin.

“It might hurt a little, but I’ve done it before.”

His lips are back on my hand, and it does hurt a little more when he sucks harder. However, my mind soon forgets about the pain and my body begins to react in an entirely different way to the feeling of his warm, wet mouth on my skin.

God, I hope he can’t hear how fast and loud my heartbeat has become, and I pray to all the gods that he doesn’t look down, because once again, my nipples are straining painfully against the thin fabric of my bikini and tank top.

“Got it!”

Drew licks the back of his other hand, showing me the tiny wood splinter on it.

I open my mouth to say something, but all I can muster is just a strangled sound.

“I know it still hurts. It’ll take a minute for the swelling to go down.”

He unexpectedly lowers his mouth back to the spot he’s been sucking on, but this time he kisses it and soothes it with what I can only describe as an open-mouthed kiss.

His lips and tongue repeatedly lave my fingers and palm, and those unnerving gray eyes look straight at me.

This time I’m sure he can hear the loud beating of my heart, and I know he’s aware of how the contact with his mouth is affecting me.

“Are you okay, pretty girl?” His voice is low, just above a whisper, when he lets go of my hand, cupping my jaw with a gentle touch.

“Yeah,” I say in one breath, unable to look away from the silver of his eyes.

His gaze leaves mine, drifting down to my lips, and I know he’s going to kiss me because Brady did the same thing last night.

I don’t even think about what it means to let Drew kiss me as well or the consequences of it, I’ll worry about it later. Right now, I just want that kiss more than I’ve ever wanted anything else, so I close my eyes.

“Greer, I—”

“Here’s the first aid kit!” Matt climbs the three steps to the front porch with one single stride, and Drew moves away, the moment totally broken.