Page 12 of Aries Mated


Irubbed my eyes as I rolled out of bed, finally feeling so much better. Thank goodness Viola was happy to come early to watch Sol. She could see how badly I needed rest, which was exactly what I did. For a few hours, I was able to black out completely, to block out the trauma of last night and today. The burglary, the police station, Sol shifting because of that pushy asshole… Thank God I had a break from it all. Of course, all the issues I had were still whipping around me, but they didn’t feel quite as overwhelming as they did before I crashed. I knew I could handle everything now. That was what I did best.

Although, truth be told, I could have used Pi by my side when it came to our son. I was just going to have to hope that the advice the guys were going to give me would be enough, because I was hopeless.

Matt, Atlas, Kai, and TJ…knowing they were going to be in my home tonight, eating dinner with me, made me shudder with delight. I knew I shouldn’t feel that way because it wasn’t like they were coming over for a date or anything, but I couldn’t seem to help myself. I was out of control. Or more, my hormones were. My pulse raced at the mere thought of these men, which was wild. It definitely wasn’t my exhaustion anymore because I was well rested and refreshed. I normally never felt like this.

When I heard my cell phone, I immediately assumed it was going to be Atlas getting back in touch with me. Maybe he had been doing so ever since I drifted off to sleep and I hadn’t heard it. As long as he wasn’t telling me that he’d changed his mind and wasn’t coming after all, I would be fine. But it wasn’t his name on the screen. It was Marco’s, which sent me spiralling into panic mode. I didnotneed any more drama. I wouldn’t be able to deal with it.

“Hello? Marco, what’s going on?”

“Nothing, don’t worry,” he insisted, trying to calm me down before I lost my mind. “I just wanted to let you know that both Jenny and Darla have turned up for a shift tonight, and they are both happy to work until close. You don’t need to come in until then. You don’t even need to come in at all if you want a night off. You know I can handle things, and I will leave all the money in the safe for you to check in the morning.”

I had to admit, even rested I liked the idea of a night off. It meant I didn’t have to worry about how long the guys stayed tonight. I could extract every bit of valuable information from them and really figure out how to best be there for Sol. I could also give Viola the night off, which she probably needed as well.

“Yeah, you know, I think I will take tonight off, Marco,” I told him gratefully. “Thank you so much. I know you have it all under control.”

I’d been under so much pressure. More than I even realized. As it lifted off my shoulders a little, I could feel how much it had been pressing down on me, crushing me. Marco was more than happy to keep that pressure off me, to take control of everything so I could rest. I couldn’t wait to let Sol know that I would be in the house all night. That was surely going to cheer him up. I could only hope so, but I didn’t know how Sol was going to react to anything these days.

We talked for a little while longer, but eventually I said a relieved goodbye to Marco. Done with the call, I went to share the good news with my son and his nanny. Viola was absolutely fine with this news, but Sol was much harder to read. I could tell that he was internally struggling with something, probably what had happened today, and it was killer. Maybe the guys could help me to make this all better. I could only desperately hope.

Searching through my kitchen cupboards didn’t give me any clue as to what I should make for four bears. I was pretty sure they would be able to eat their own body weight, so I wanted to make something good for them. I fired off a text to Atlas, hoping he would be able to help me. While I waited for my reply, I showered and changed into something comfortable—a plain black t-shirt and dark leggings to match. An outfit to remind me that this wasnota date.

“Oh great,” I groaned as spotted a new group text with all the men involved. Each one of them said they would eat anything. “Super unhelpful.”

The only thing I could do was cook some of mine and Sol’s favorite meals, in bulk, and surely then everyone would get something they liked. They sure as shit couldn’t complain if they didn’t. They had all said they would eat whatever I put in front of them, so I was definitely going to hold them to that.

* * *

Am I ready for this?I wondered as the doorbell rang.I really don’t think I’m ready for this…

I anxiously raked my fingers through my hair. I wasn’t sure that I looked good, I didn’t know if the food was going to taste good, I was starting to feel like this was a bad idea. But I guess it was too late now. Someone was here.

“I got it,” Sol called out. At least he was excited about the men coming over to visit. He could show enthusiasm for competitors, but not for me. Whatever, it didn’t matter. I was here for the night and that was all that mattered.

I inhaled deeply, more trying to calm myself down than anything else, but as a brand new smell spiked in my nostrils, my pulse pounded excitedly. Weirdly, even though I had only met him one time, I knew that smell belonged to TJ. It was a scent so powerful it actually overwhelmed the food. He had come first, and alone. He was dressed in smart casual clothing, his sleeves rolled up and the buttons at the top open. I could spy the outline of a tattoo underneath his shirt. Damn, that intrigued me. I wanted to know more. So much more.

“Hey,” TJ drawled as he removed his aviators. “How’s it going?”

I almost wanted to ask him if he was that well groomed because he took more time getting dressed than I did, but I stopped myself just in time. I didn’t know if we could joke like that with each other just yet.

“Hi, I’m good. Just finishing up dinner…” I pointed back toward the kitchen.

“Oh, well, I can help you with that. I can cook.”

“Really?” I wasn’t sure why I was so surprised.

“Oh yeah. I grew up with a single mom and sisters, so I got good at cooking.”

With that, he swept into the kitchen, the heat of his body burning into me. I couldn’t help but pick up on one comment though. The fact that he grew up with a single mom and sisters. That meant he was going to have a much better understanding of what Sol was going through. I kept that in mind as I followed him into my own kitchen, wondering when I would be able to ask him more about what his life was like growing up.

But all the questions simply melted from my brain as I watched his muscles flexing through his shirt while he stirred one of the pots for me.

“Oh, Maeve, I added some seasoning. I hope that’s okay with you,” he called over his shoulder, smiling. “Do you want to taste it?”

He scooped some stew onto a spoon and tucked his fingers underneath my chin. Before I could even attempt to take another breath, he fed me the bite. I could hardly taste the food because I was locked in on his eyes. His deep brown eyes that seemed to be regarding me curiously, searching for something. I didn’t know what he was trying to find, but I could feel myself wanting to give him absolutely everything. I was so intoxicated by him, I unconsciously took a step back, causing sauce to splash all over me. Internally, I cursed myself for the humiliation this was going to cause because I was a clumsy idiot. But TJ didn’t make me feel that way at all. He grabbed a dish towel and patted me down, smiling at me with adoration the whole time.

Holy shit.I couldn’t breathe. It didn’t matter how much I wanted to, I couldn’t. I was locked in on this amazing man, caught up in his eyes and the way he was staring at me like I was the most beautiful woman on the entire planet. That was so intoxicating, it practically locked us in a bubble together, blocking out the rest of the world. I almost rose up on to my tiptoes, just so I could breathe him in a little more, so I could maybe taste the moisture that I was pretty sure lay on his lips…