Ihad no idea what the hell had come over me, but I was on fire. From the very first moment I saw Kai shirtless in my room, my mind had gone to a place I hadn’t been in quite a while. The fantasy from my bath, combined with Kai’s hot body had me doused in flames. He had stoked the fire I thought I put out years ago, but it was back with a vengeance. Since it was so powerful and overwhelming, I had no idea how long I was going to be able to control myself.
I walked slowly to the couch with the pizza in my hands, making sure each step was purposeful. My hips swayed, and as I made eye contact with each and every guy, I knew by the hunger there that I had them all entranced. I might as well have been walking on air. How long had it been since someone looked at me like that? It thrilled me to have these four gorgeous men all wanting me. It reminded me that I used to be a sexual goddess with intense needs. I guess I had put my life on hold more than I realized.
I wanted to give these men what they wanted because it was exactly what I wanted, but I couldn’t resist teasing them for as long as I could. I needed to savor as much of this as I could.
“Does anyone else want pizza?” I asked in a husky voice. “I know you have already eaten, but this is too much for me…”
Matt crawled to me first, his eyes fixed on me the entire time. His gaze darted over me, focusing on my lips as I handed him a slice of pizza. His tongue flickered over his bottom lip as he moved back. I shivered, because I needed to devour him too. But I couldn’t concentrate on Matt for too long because TJ had me next. I bit down on my bottom lip as he laced his fingers through mine, carefully touching my already hypersensitive skin before he slipped his slice away from me. I released my lip with a pop as Kai crawled to me next, looking hunky as hell even in the t-shirt that was way too tight for him. I fed him a little bit of the pizza, which made me giggle with delight. Damn, this was so much fun!
Atlas came last. He strode purposefully toward me before sitting at my feet. I could see the question in his eyes, the intense need for me to confirm with him that everything was alright. I understood this from him, because as much as we both desired one another, there was an extra barrier between us. We shared a history with Pi. But Pi had spoken highly of Atlas. I was sure he wouldn’t want me to wait around for him forever, knowing he wasn’t coming back. Pi would want me to be happy. And even if this did just turn out to be one electric night of fun, then so be it. I reached forward and cupped Atlas’s cheek in my hand, stroking my thumb over his skin. I smiled at him reassuringly before I handed pizza to him as well. It was a silent agreement between us. An acknowledgement that we were going to do this, we were going to blur the lines and overstep that boundary, because it was fine for us to have a life.
All the men ate their pizza, but they seemed to be on autopilot. They were more intent on watching me as I ate the pizza in a seductive manner, pulling the string of cheese as long as I could and teasing them as much as I could. This was so much fun. I felt more alive than I had in a very long time. All of this was making me see that I really had put too much of myself into my work. I had to work to keep life running smoothly, but at the same time, I didn’t want to miss out on what was important. Sol, and my connection with my son, and me as well. I deserved to have a life.
Growls flooded the room once more. I just knew that these were growls of desire. Fuck, I adored this. I couldn’t get enough.
Matt was sitting the closest to me, but he tugged me even nearer to him. I let out a squeal of surprise and delight. Matt didn’t speak as he trailed a hand up my waist, to my neck, and back down to the center of me. My eyes fixated on him as his nostrils flared. I could sense him smelling me, my scent so intoxicating he couldn’t keep himself away any longer. Finally, he closed the gap between us and I felt his lips grazing over the nape of my neck. Fucking hell, if I thought that I was on fire before, it was nothing compared to now. My own growl of desire was desperate to break free as I slid my eyes tightly closed to just feel the sensations in my body.
Atlas’s eyes were on me. I didn’t need to see that to know it, I could just feel him looking. But I opened my eyes anyway, because I needed to see how he looked. Shit, his eyes were glowing, passion burning in them. I could almost feel him edging closer toward me to touch me. His fingers wanted me, his tongue needed me, his thick, throbbing erection ached for me, just like I ached for him as well. For all of them. I needed to squeeze my thighs together to stop myself from losing my mind.
“It seems like you are all hungry for something else,” I groaned as I tossed my head back in desire. “Am I right?”
Moans of agreement rolled through the room, intensifying the throb between my legs. I was trapped in a place that felt like absolute heaven. Matt pulled me onto his lap. My lacy red thong was the only thing separating me from him. The hunger within me intensified to a point where I could hardly handle it anymore. There was a scream deep within me, wanting to burst free, but I knew I couldn’t let that happen.
Sol. As soon as I thought about my son, I knew this couldn’t happen here and now. Sure, he was sleeping, and he had always been a heavy sleeper, but my private life needed to remain that way. My bedroom walls were thick, pretty much sound proof, which was ideal.
“Not here,” I gasped at Matt as his lips travelled all over the hypersensitive skin of my throat. “It’s been a long time, and I want to do this properly.”
Not needing to be asked twice, TJ scooped me up and twisted me around until I could wrap myself around him. Fuck, I could feel his thick steel rod aching for me in his pants, which only inflamed me further. He was massive. I didn’t need to see him to know that, I could just feel him, and the sensation was absolutely delicious. I tossed my head back and slid my eyes closed so I could drown in this gorgeous sensation for as long as I could. I had denied my body for long enough, it was time for me to have some fun.
The closer we got to my bedroom, the further TJ’s fingers slipped up my thighs. He was grazing my thong, near the pooling wetness there. I needed this, I’d earned this.
“Wait,” I gasped at TJ as we passed Sol’s room. “Can I just check in on him real quick?”
With a smile, Kai pressed his finger to his lip to silence me and peeked inside the room for me. He pulled back and gave me a thumbs-up. Sol was fine, still sleeping, there was nothing to worry about. I breathed out a sigh of relief.
“I’m glad after the day he’s had. You know, he’s such a sweet boy, and he really is the most important thing to me. I only want what is best for him.” I didn’t quite mean for that to come out as a warning, but that was definitely how it must have sounded. I used the opportunity to look at all the men, to see how they responded to it. I guess it was time for me to be really clear, especially since there were a lot of emotions in the air right now. “I don’t know what this is,” I whispered, “but just so you’re all aware, Sol and I come as a package. He will always be my number one priority.” It was a heavy statement to make when I really didn’t believe that this was going to go any further than tonight. But I figured that honesty was the best policy, and I needed to be straight from the get to.
“Of course!” Kai smiled as if this was completely obvious. His smile was sweet and reassuring. It loosened a knot of nerves that had managed to form in the pit of my stomach.
“You didn’t need to say that out loud,” Atlas said, sounding happy to hear me say that, which was nice. I appreciated his opinion. “It’s obvious.”
“We know,” TJ agreed before kissing the tip of my nose. That touch was utterly electrifying. “We can clearly see that.”
“He’s an awesome kid,” Matt joined in delightfully. “Of course he’s number one.”
I could relax in that knowledge. No matter what was going to happen going forward, at least they knew that much. It wasn’t exactly a promise that we were all going to be together, that this night was going to lead somewhere, but it meant I didn’t need to stress out for another second as TJ’s fingers finally made their way inside my thong and he stroked my exposed core, sending thrilling waves of desire through me.
I shot one more smile of gratitude at the other men before I crashed my lips down to TJ’s and kissed him with such passion that I actually lost track of time. When I pulled back, we had made it into my room already.
TJ let me drop to the floor before Atlas hooked his fingers underneath the hem of my long t-shirt. He ripped it off me in an instant, causing a gasp of pleasure to ripple around the room. All their eyes on me all at once was an intense, exciting feeling. I absolutely loved it. While the men all peeled off their clothing, I kicked my thong off. Honestly, this was exhilarating, and I couldn’t get enough of it. It was like I was getting the first hit of a very potent drug, and even though I knew an addiction was about to form, I couldn’t stop myself.
Once we were naked, hands, lips, and tongues were all over me, tugging and teasing. My heart thundered so hard against my rib cage, I feared it might break free. I had become a slave to the sensations careering through my body. The men were all over me and I loved it. They were drowning me in pleasure, and I was more than happy to surrender. This was exactly what I thought it would be and so much more. I hoped that time would stop so I could stay in this moment for the rest of my life.