But something washed over me, and all I could think to call it wasclarity.

Like for the first time in my life, I knew exactly what to do. There was no wavering, no doubting, no worrying about what people thought.

I turned to go. By some miracle the hallway was still empty, and I was able to get all the way back to my dressing room without anyone stopping me. I grabbed the old jeans jacket out of the bag of the street clothes I’d worn on the way to the church, pulled it over my stupid wedding dress, grabbed my little purse, and marched right out of the church.

But not before my brother called after me.

“What the fuck, Leesa? You’re going the wrong way—”

“Wedding’s off,” I growled, heading for the door. “No wedding.”

“What? Are you fucking kidding?”

I whipped around. “Ask Rhonda what’s up when she gets Daniel’s dick out of her throat. She can fill you in,” I said, continuing my exit.


Without turning around, I yelled more instructions. “Tell Mom and Dad I’m sorry. And if you’re so inclined, feel free to beat Daniel’s ass.”

I ran down the church driveway as best I could in my high heels and turned left onto the small country road in front of it.

I had no idea where the hell I was going.

Didn’t care, either.

* * *