I nodded, kissing my brother’s cheek. “Yeah. Thank you, Seth.”

Lifting the hem of my dress, I hurried down the hallway lined with church offices, wishing for the hundredth time we had just gotten married back in town. But Daniel’s family was big on their local parish and there was never any question the wedding would be in their church, fifty miles away and in a place I’d never set foot before last night’s rehearsal.

Eventually, I found the ‘groom’s room,’ and as I approached, I heard voices through the door. Guess the best man was keeping Daniel company.

“Hey. What are you doing?” Daniel asked.

I kind of hated to interrupt whatever they had going on, so I pressed my ear to the door because while I might be considerate, I was also a nosy bitch.

And what I heard flipped my stomach until I tasted bile.

I doubled over, which was not easy to do in a corset like the one I was wearing, and held my breath.

“Come on, baby,” a female voice whispered, “there are only a few minutes left before you walk down that aisle with that boring plain jane. I need to get some pre-wedding nook-nook so I can compare it to how it is after you seal the deal with the little wifey.”

Plain Jane? Pre-wedding nook-nook? Little wifey?

Wait. Was this a joke?

Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.

And that voice, was that woman… Rhonda?

Fucking A. ItwasRhonda. My friendandmy maid of honor. Calling me a plain jane and talking about nook-nook with the man I was about to marry.

* * *