“Ican cook,” Derek said. “If you rely on these other two, you might find yourself starving to death.”

“Yeah, yeah. Don’t listen to him. But when you’re ready,” Shawn added, “we can run you back to your place and get you some clothes. As much as I wish you’d never wear them.”

“Mmmm, I could use my boots,” I said. “They’re not cowboy, just some urban hikers, but they’ll do for a while. And I’ve got jeans.”

“Jeans are important,” Nick said. “So is that a yes?”

I nodded, biting my lip. “Yes.”

They took turns hugging me and there was nothing like it, being surrounded by sexy, warm, genuine men and their strong arms. After a minute, we climbed into the truck, and Shawn pulled onto the dirt road we’d taken to the lake, but this time heading in the opposite direction.

Did I know where we were going?


Did I care?


All I knew was I was with three amazing guys who’d picked me up and dusted me off on the worst day of my life, and whom I was now riding off into the sunset with.

Like real cowboys did.