Page 15 of Two CEO's For Her


“Hello, Mr. Harold. Ms. Dean is finishing up her meeting right now. It may be a few minutes. Please, have a seat.”

The receptionist at Rose’s HQ is as clean cut as the very diamonds they sell, and I wouldn’t expect any less. I sit in the squeaky-clean waiting area and for some reason my nerves are jumping around.

I know the new CEO of Rose Jewelry is a woman, but there isn’t much on the internet about her. At least that’s what my assistants say. No pictures, hardly any articles, no social media profiles - nothing. She’s mysterious and it’s always interesting to come across a CEO who doesn’t care about fame.

Still, I know I need this win for the sake of Harold and Carol Group and for the sake of my own security. If her company wants to open a branch in our new mall, it would definitely benefit both of us.

I haven’t felt this over-my-head since I was a teen, sitting anxiously in a doctor’s office waiting room. I watch all the squeaky-clean name brands walk by on the polished floor - so many people with schedules packed with everything and nothing all at once.

“Mr. Harold?”

The receptionist walks over to me.

“Ms. Dean is ready for you now.”

She leads me toward a large conference room door, the handle is practically the size of the woman’s torso. She grabs it and slides it open gently before ushering me in and leaving Ms. Dean and I in peace.

The woman’s back is turned, she’s facing a table toward a window covered with papers and an assortment of important documents.

“Ms. Dean, Hello. I’m -”

She spins around.


Alexa? The temptress from the club?She’sthe CEO of Rose Jewelry? How could I have overlooked something like this? How- no. I need to get it together, quickly, and be professional if I’m going to get anything done for my company.

“James,” I cough out.


She walks toward me. Those hips and gorgeous legs aren’t something I could forget easily. Her smile is professional, but I can see a hint of surprise in them just the same.

“Alessandra.Dean. I know very well whoyouare, Mr. Harold.”

I don’t know what to say but my confusion gets the best of me.

“I thought you said your name was Alexa.”

“Itis, but only outside the office.”

She sits at a chair with a polished nameplate in front of it, her name is written in gold and underneath it,Chief Executive Officeris written in a strong but delicate font.

“Let’s get to why you’re visiting me this morning. Please, have a seat.”

She’s already so different from the other night. I can feel her cold, demanding air like a sword. She’s all logic. There’s no hint of emotion or lust anywhere. For some reason, it makes me want her all the more. I want to pull her heart strings.

“Well, as we both know, Rose Jewelry is taking a very big step by opening their first official store.”


She’s so straight-faced it’s making me sweat already, and we haven’t even gotten to the meat of the conversation yet.God, she’s good. I clear my throat, sit up straight, and puff my chest out like the best of them.

“Harold and Carol Group is entering a newoldmarket. Shopping malls. I’m offering you, and your grand opening a spot in ours, which is currently under construction.”

Alessandra smiles. Her smile is gorgeous which draws me away from my thoughts, but I know it’s not necessarily approving, which ties me up in my own mind.