Page 90 of Two CEO's For Her


Ibreathe in deeply by the stunning shoreline. It’s early, but I don’t mind. It should be a crime to wake up in Maui any time after the sunrise. I feel like I could reach out and touch it, just like a painting.

Alexa’s and I’s room is directly by the shoreline. It was only going to be the best for my darling. I turn around and see her waking. She stretches out her arms with her eyes still closed.

I smile. She’s so beautiful without even trying.

She opens her eyes, and we immediately make eye contact.

She grins, then stretches her arms out wide.

“Good morning, my darling.”

I stand up and walk towards her, kissing her sweet forehead, then stroking it with my thumb.

“You’re up early.”

I nod.

“I couldn’t miss the sunrise. It’s almost as beautiful as you.”

She scrunches her nose together.

“Is that a preview for what today is going to bring?”

I laugh and kiss her sweet lips.

“I sure hope so.”

I leave her side and move to make her some coffee. As I turn the water on, I hear a knock at the door. I frown and look at my watch. It’s barely past six-forty-five in the morning.

I turn to look at Alexa. She’s pulled the bed sheets up to her face.

“Do you know who that is?”

Alexa whispers.

“I have a faint idea.”

I put the coffee mug down then open the door. I’m surprised to find James, dressed to the nines, standing at the door with a bouquet of roses.

He looks incredible, and I know Alexa agrees. I turn back to look at her and discover that she has climbed out of bed and is laying on the top sheet. With very little on.

I laugh loudly.

“I think I see what’s going on.”

James walks in and keeps that wide smirk on his face.

“Nothing like some morning delight.”

James walks over to Alexa and plants a deep kiss on her face. I feel my cock twitch in my pants. God, I’m barely awake and I’m already horny.

Alexa abruptly pushes James away.

“Not so fast, mister. You’ve both got me, it’s time for us to all share each other.”

She nods in my direction.