Page 7 of Two CEO's For Her


Before I get the chance to say anything else, the girl has turned and just bolted out the door. What the fuck.? I could feel my dick getting hard just being near her, and now she’s left noticeably upset.

I see her head moving through the crowd, and I consider getting up and following her. Would that be too desperate? Would that actually work? Some women enjoy that, but Alexa seems different.

“Fuck,” I whisper to myself.

I was hoping that a night with this sexy creature would take my mind off of business matters, but all she managed to do was grab my attention and run.

I take out my phone, then realize that I don’t even have her number.

“God damnit.”

She was so sexy, and incredibly attractive. I felt entranced with her and it’s like I’ve suddenly been snapped out of it.

“Jesus fucking Christ.”

The music suddenly feels too loud for me.

I look around, noticing that there are many more attractive women. I could definitely get any one of them to come home with me- but there was something about Alexa. Those fucking dance moves for one- my god.

I quickly get a shot of Jack Daniels, shoot it down, then make my way out the door. On my way, I pass my executives and give them a nod. They’re probably a few drinks in and are at the beginning of a great night.

I hear one of them yell after me.

“You done for the night James?”

I nod again.

“Come on, we just started.”

I shake my head, using a cutting motion over my neck. They laugh, shrug, then return to their drinks and conversation.

I would love to get to know her, but how can I do that without leading her on? I don’t really have the time to get to know someone and be in a relationship. Is there a way I could find her and have some good sex?

I manage to hail a cab home and sit in the dark, ruminating.

Mattheo really got to me. That man really doesn’t know how to run a business. Negotiations are a part of the process, and it seems like he’s more interested in dick swinging. I was completely willing to open my mind, even slightly for him. But the resentment was palpable.

He seems to think he’s the big shit on campus because of his own business. There are probably a few things that the asshole is trying to prove as well.

I know there are many people on the board who don’t think I deserve this position. They think it was my father who put in all the hard work, while I simply took the job for the sake of the money. But it actually means something to me, and I work my fucking ass off.

No point in being pissed though.

I sigh, looking out the window as the city passes by in the night. I feel so much pressure on me, and it would be something special to spend the night with Alexa to release that pressure.

Sex in general is what I need- but talking to Alexa made me wonder about something more.

It doesn’t take long for me to get back to my house. I tip the driver and make my way inside.

I use my fingerprint to get inside, still wondering about what could have been. Inside is a sleek and modern decorum that I love, but I suddenly feel like it’s lacking warmth.

I feel slightly drunk, and I’m considering taking a shower. I go for it despite how late it is.

The hot water feels amazing on my body, bringing me out of my drunken stupor. I close my eyes and can see Alexa dancing in front of me, chatting and smiling. She seems like a very interesting woman. I start asking myself a few questions—

Did I come on too strong? I love to dance, and dancing in a seductive way is something most women are into. She was also a great dancer, which made our meeting feel kismet. But maybe I made an assumption because she was so sexy.