Page 27 of Two CEO's For Her


So fucking annoying.What is James up to? I know he had dinner with her, and she went back to his place after that, but is he really trying to get her business?

Who does this guy think he is? I met with her first, so I hope she hasn't made any final decisions as to whom she will partner with. This entire situation reeks of underhandedness.In fact, this is something I would do. Can't blame him really, can I?

But I don't like the looks of this. In not so many words, I all but told her of my interest, in both her and Rose Jewelers. She is a fine piece of ass, but she wouldn't be too savvy if she didn't check out competition, now, would she?

I’m not giving up that easily- I'll show James Harold that I'm not a pushover. I didn't get to be the CEO of Star Empire by rolling over and playing dead.

As I pace the space in front of my desk, I decide that I’m just going to have to force a meeting with Alexa. I stop dead in my tracks and turn around. Heading towards my seat, I pick up the phone.

"Get me Rose Jewelers address please, and have my car brought around," I bark into the receiver.

Satisfied that I’m doing the right thing, I put my jacket on and head out the door. Out front, William has the car ready, and he opens the door. I step inside my Mercedes and away we go.

The entire way to her headquarters, my mind is buzzing with thoughts of the sexy mass of femininity I met at dinner the other night. Word on the street is she is a tough CEO, and she usually gets what she wants.

Well, I can wrestle, too.I recall her curvaceous backside as she walked away from me and her sarcastic remark about partnership's she shared over her shoulder. She is definitely worth investing time into.

I wonder what she would be like to make out with. She oozes sexiness and sarcasm, mingled together in one fancy package. It excites me. I accept the challenge, my dear Alexa.

As the car pulls to a stop in front of a downtown skyscraper on Fifth, I step from my Mercedes and look up. The place is impressive. I walk to the rotating door and waltz into the foyer. I ask the doorman where Rose Company is, and he points to a sign.

A bit annoyed at him, I find what floor it’s on, and enter an empty elevator. My foot taps to the music sounding out across the small room. It pauses at thirty for an employee and continues its ascent, finally resting at the forty-fourth floor.

Stepping out from the elevator, I’m met with an arrangement of floral scents from the freshly placed flowers. Going through the giant glass doors, I ask for her office. The receptionist kindly escorts me to her secretary.

"She hasn't come in yet today." She sneers up at me.

"May I wait?" I bow, extending my hand toward a chair across from her desk, trying to charm her.

Her secretary huffs.

“I'm not sure how long she will be but be my guest."

As I wait, I design a plan to free up some of her schedule. Sensing I wouldn't be able to get the old gal to buy into my plan, I sought out a few others. There are always a few that are willing to bend rules for a generous reward.

I paid them handsomely to rearrange meetings for the next few weeks, giving me time to work on Alexa. I peruse a magazine until I hear a slight gasp.

Looking up, I see her staring at me. The wonderment in her eyes gives me a feeling of delight.

"Fancy meeting you here."

"Well yes, indeed. How did you find us?"

I can almost hear the beating of her heart as she walks closer to me. I can smell her perfume as I grab her free hand and brush it with a kiss. Her secretary raises an eyebrow over her wire-rimmed glasses.

"I do have resources dear woman."

I let go of her hand and state my purpose for being here.

"I'd like to talk with you. If you have the time, that is."

I chuckle to myself, knowing full well that she has absolutely nothing on her calendar.For the foreseeable future.This pleases me immensely, and perceiving my craftiness, she sends a fiery glance my way.

"I'll need to check the agenda for today."

As she passes by me, I watch her promenade and disappear into her office. I’m nearly drooling over her scrumptious ass when a buzz sounds at the desk across from me and pulls me to my senses. The secretary's face glowers, nodding me to the direction of Alexa's office door.