Page 22 of Two CEO's For Her


I’m satisfied and exhausted at the same time, after last night’s session. I sit up and find that James is not with me anymore. I’m glad because this gives me time to fix my face and brush my hair. There is no “off” switch for being hot, at least not for me.

As I finish touching up my beauty, I hear and smell bacon sizzling on a grill. I love bacon but seldom let myself eat it. But I’ve got one hell of an appetite this morning. I open a drawer, grab a long-sleeve linen shirt, and put it on. Upon looking in the mirror, I pass my personal sexy expectations.

I go to see what James is cooking, and he puts down his spoon and grabs me into a hug. We kiss and then he returns to his cooking.

“Do you like vegan eggs and bacon?”

“You’re a vegan?”

“Sure am.”

“Didn’t figure you for a plant-based diet guy.”

“Yes, it not only saves the environment, but it keeps this temple clean.”

“Oh brother.” I roll my eyes.

James finishes cooking and plates our breakfast on the most gorgeous dinner plates.

“Where did you get these plates?”

“My mother Bessie-Sue. She has a dish problem.”

“What’s that?”

“She buys every dish she lays her eyes on.”

We both laugh as we sit down at the breakfast table.

“Do you come from a large family?” I ask.

“Nope, there’s just me. Bessie-Sue couldn’t ruin her figure having any more babies.”

“I have six sisters.”

“Oh gosh, your father must have gone crazy if they all look like you.”

“My dad died when I was 14.”

James puts his fork down.

“I’m so sorry, Alexa.”

“It was tough at first, but my mother is amazing.”

“Did she raise all of you alone?”

“Well, you know the saying it takes a village?”


“Well, we were raised by a battalion of aunts and uncles.”

“Your mother came from a big family?”

“Yup, and so did my dad.”