“Why are you so quiet Logan? You don’t think this is good news?” Sean asks.

“Of course I think it’s good news.”

“Then why do you look like you’ve just come back from a funeral?” Evelyn asks.

“I’m fine.”

“I didn’t ask that. When I came in here, you had some news for Sean. Can I listen in?”

“Uh well, no secrets between us, right?”

“That’s the deal,” Sean says.

They’re both looking up at me. Sean and Evelyn have never looked so attractive to me. They have this glow of success that is irresistible. How can I tell them that two new babies are about to rock our world?

Who’s going to take care of the babies? Will Evelyn have to stay home? These are questions that I can’t solve alone. So, I brace myself and announce that we’re having twins.

“Oh my-oh my god!” Evelyn screams.

She clutches her tummy. I rush to move her to Sean’s office couch so that she can sit down. Meanwhile, Sean goes to her side.

“Evelyn, how efficient. We can have two more children with only one pregnancy.”

I look at Sean and run a finger across my throat, so he won’t say anything else “practical”. I know that Evelyn doesn’t want to hear this.

“How am I going to work? I won’t be able to leave two babies at home.”

“You can bring them here. I’ll have one in my office and…”

“That’s not going to work. I’ll just have to quit.”

Sean hugs Evelyn and tries to comfort her. This should be good news for us. We should be jumping up and down for joy. Yet here we are- worrying about who is going to take care of the twins.

“I’ll stay home,” I say.

Both Sean and Evelyn look up at me.

“It makes sense. I don’t get my kicks from being here anymore and clearly the two of you still do.”

“That’s fine and well Logan, but how am I going to deal with this pregnancy and work at the same time again. Oh my God, the morning sickness! Is it going to be twice as bad?”

Sean sits down on the sofa. He is clearly thinking of a solution.

“I might not be able to carry the twins for you, but I’ll be with you every step of the way like last time. But this time, I am going to up my game.”

“How Sean, you never left her side during the last pregnancy. As I remember, it was me doing all the late nights.”

“And you can do that again Logan. It’s all hands-on deck.”

“This is true.”

“Oh guys, you two are the best husbands,” Evelyn starts to cry.

“It’s going to be all on you till the end Evelyn. Can you handle this?” I ask.

Evelyn thinks for a while. She closes her eyes and takes a few deep breaths. Sean starts to open his mouth and I kick him lightly to shut him up. Let her have her moment.

The door opens and Kenneth comes in with Nanny Eileen. He runs straight to Evelyn. He looks like he is about to pounce. Instead, he stops and pats Evelyn’s tummy and says “Babies?”

“How does he know?” I ask, shocked.

“Do you not think that Dr. Dexter wouldn’t tell me first? We better get those wee ones.”

The way that Nanny Eileen is talking, it sounds like she’s going to stay even though we’re having twins. I’m relieved, but I know that I’ll be Nanny Eileen’s first assistant.

I don’t want to miss a minute of my children’s life. Quitting my job is a small price to pay.

Dexter was right- twins are definitely what you get a man who has everything.