
Every morning when I wake up these days, I feel more and more dread over my situation at school. But today when I check my smartphone, I see that Sean and Logan have posted an update on their dating app.

It’s over!

The person who was taking pictures of us has been tracked down. And, oh goodness, Sean and Logan are shaming him on social media. After all the grief he caused us, I’m glad Sean and Logan took care of him for trying to blackmail us.

He left school.

Further down is a simple email from the Dean.

“At this time, we will no longer consider expulsion from Stanford. Good day,” it reads.

I sigh.

Somehow, things are falling into place. But this has definitely been turbulent. I have a sick sensation that all this drama has lost me Sean and Logan in the final analysis.

They can’t afford the heat that being in a threesome with a student brings about.

Maybe the three of us shouldn’t have been affectionate on campus. Maybe we should not have been seen together. But to avoid each other would have been unhealthy for the relationship we are building.

In the end, I don’t regret a thing. Sean and Logan took care of the situation. It feels good to have them on my side. For a change, I’m not alone.

I get out of bed feeling so much better than the morning before. There is a lot to do. I’ve been hiding out and getting used to being alone. My hair is frazzled, and I have to get out of the sweats I’ve been wearing for days.

The shower feels so warm and good. It feels like all the bad stuff in my life is washing away and going down the drain. Good riddance!

In the closet, I have a new dress hanging there waiting for me. It’s red with orange poppies, and I look fabulous in it. Today is the day to tear off the tags and wear it.

After I finish dressing and brushing all the tangles out of my hair, there’s a loud knocking on my door. Who could it be now?

Sean and Logan are standing outside my door with big grins on their faces. I wave them inside and look down the hallway both ways to check if there is anyone taking pictures. I’m relieved that there’s no one there.

“Evelyn, it’s all good. People understand your situation,” Logan says.

“We made sure everybody understands that the three of us are not all about sex but love,” Sean says.

Sitting down to think about this, I realize that Sean and Logan have bunches of roses in their arms. They are both wrapped with big satin red and white bows. They reach out and give me the roses.

“Gosh you guys, I’m going to cry.”

Both Sean and Logan sit down next to me. They both smell great, and they are wearing knit shirts that match.

“What’s up with the matching blue shirts?” I ask.

“It’s our color now,” Sean says.

He reaches into his knapsack and takes out a pretty wrapped package.

“Open it,” Sean says.

I open the package and there is a beautiful cashmere sweater set in light blue.

“I don’t know what to say?”

“We’re a team now, and we should dress as such,” Logan says.

“Okay,” I say.