I don’t want to appear to be an idiot, so I don’t comment. I’m almost finished with my latte.

“While we are waiting for Morty, we are going to get Cheryl, my public relations person, to spin what the kids think on campus.”

“Can this be done?”

“Cheryl is amazing. She worked with Mel Gibson and turned his image around.”

I nod. But I also have my people too.

“Let’s put Mr. Chan on this.”

“The more the better. Chan is amazing.”

I agree. I watch Logan pick up his latte from the coffee table and finish it. We’ve made a plan about fixing our mess at the university but what about the mess we created with Evelyn?

Logan looks at me with a knowing look on his face. Even he knows that we screwed up.

“This is going to be harder than cleaning up the mess at Stanford.”

“Maybe when we clean up the mess, she will be ready to forgive us.”

“Man, I can’t go that long.”

“Me either. I’m really serious about Evelyn.”

“What, do you think I’m just playing around?”

“No, Logan, I know you’re serious too.”

“I’m serious about the three of us, Sean. We’re a team.”

I smile at Logan.

“Yes, we are. So, what are we going to do?”

Logan doesn’t have a clue either.

“She’s really upset about not finishing Stanford.”

“It’s a prestigious school that looks great on a resume.”

“Yes, however, taking a company and building it up to unbelievable profit margins, speaks louder my friend.”

“I agree with you Logan but how do we convince her?”

“Maybe if we talk to her about the success we’ve had and how great we felt.”

“A conversation might be good there. But there’s got to be more that we could do.”

“You know a walk-through or something like that would do her good.”

“Aren’t you guys going to launch a new version of your app tomorrow?”

“I think that might excite her.”

“Still Logan, we need to do something more. I don’t want this girl leaving us.”

“I don’t either, Sean.”