She’s visibly vibrating with excitement as she raises the front of her shirt, exposing her breasts.

I take my time, slowly clamping down each clip to her nipples. Each one pulling a precious whimper from her throat. She’s beautiful.

Logan finishes getting himself presentable for class and joins me at my side. We both take a moment basking in the lustful glow of our girl.

Logan and I share a look and come to an unspoken agreement.

He speaks, sternly.

“You keep those on until we say so.”

She fidgets in place until a certain motion seems to shift things inside her and her eyes roll into the back of her head.

“Make that the entire class,” I add.

I don’t want either of our sympathies ruining today’s show.

We both watch her as she pulls herself together. Every article of clothing possesses a challenge. At first, she attempts to put on a bra, but both Logan and I object. We wanted the clamps at least partially visible.

Next she tries to slide on a blouse, but the fabric catches multiple times. Her struggle is adorable.

Still, it pales in comparison to her putting on her pants and socks. Bending down shifts the vibrator around, causing hitched breaths and hushed moans.

“Yeah, this is going to be good.” I say, slapping Logan on the back.

Logan laughs.

“But who’s going to man the remote?”

We lock eyes, daring the other to blink.

We stand frozen until Evelyn hops up to our side and says.

“I’m ready.”

I’m the first to break focus, and turn to her, leading to Logan pulling the remote from hand with a proud laugh.

She looks between the two of us.

“What just happened?”

I shake my head with a smile.


We each take separate cars, trying futilely to lessen suspicions of our relationship. Logan and I pull into the faculty parking lot while Evelyn has to park far away in student parking.

We decide to head straight for class, to get things set up.

“So, when are you planning on getting things started?” I ask, while the class starts to spill in.

“Be patient,” he says with a laugh.

Finally, our girl glides through the door with a smile. I turn to offer her a smile when, mid-stride, her knees buckle. A few students rush out of their seats to offer her some help, which she promptly waves off.

I hold back a laugh and turn to Logan who looks completely unaware with his hands relaxed lazily in his pockets. The only hint to his more sinister intentions being the proud grin he wore as his eyes scanned over the rest of the room.

His voice is deep and authoritative when he addresses the class.

“Now, let’s begin.”