“Well, I don’t really want to say.”

“Oh, come on Evelyn.”

Evelyn lets out a little chuckle and squeezes my hand.

“I read a lot of memes?”


“You know those graphics with sayings that everybody copies and posts on social media.”

“Oh, I’m not on social media.”

“You’re not on social media, what’s wrong with you!”

“I’m just not that hip I guess,” I sigh.

“Are you kidding? You are the hippest person I know!”

We both start to laugh.

“Would you like another whiskey?”

“No, I’m good. Thanks.”

We sit there in silence for a while. I’m thinking of how lucky I am to have met Evelyn who is so wise beyond her years.

“You know what I think is wrong with me?”

“Nothing is wrong with you, Logan.”

“Oh no, there is. I have a hard time opening up to people and trusting them.”

“But you’ve opened up to me.”

“True. Very true.”

“What about Sean?”

I put the whiskey down on the coffee table. I get up and walk to her only window.

“I guess that’s why I wrote the app for my company. I wanted people to connect, and I guess I had a deep desire to connect with someone myself, but it never happened.”

“Something must have happened to you?”

“No one hurt me or anything. It was just the way I grew up. My father always told me to keep my feelings to myself. He said that telling a woman my feelings would be a weak thing to do.”

“So, if you never open up to anyone; you never connect with them.”

I turn to face Evelyn.

“Exactly, right.”

“But why don’t you trust?”

“I see what people do to each other every day. They lie and make up stories that aren’t true. I didn’t want to fall into any traps.”

“Oh, you didn’t want to be trapped with a woman.”