When the door shuts behind him, my whole being deflates. I hold myself as I make my way to the kitchen.

I replay last night’s events over and over in my head, looking for something I may have missed. Had I committed some slight against them that I just didn’t register?

They seemed plenty sated by the time we called it a night. My body damn sure feels like I was a generous lover.

Was it something deeper? Did they have regrets? Was I pressuring them into something they didn’t want to do?

Sure, they’re not as psyched about the whole arrangement as I am- but was I actually crossing a line? It makes sense that Logan was being distant because that’s just the kind of guy he is. But Sean? He was more so the kind of guy that thought with his gut and dick and dealt with whatever shit that came up later.

Maybe that is what’s happening. This is Sean, fresh minded, realizing what happened and now he wishes it never did. He looked pissed as he left though. Maybe he was just angry Logan left me high and dry.

Sean is pretty gentlemanly and screams the possessive type. If he felt Logan did me wrong, then that would explain his behavior.

That would mean he felt I was his. The thought is painfully tempting to get lost in. But I’m not a fool who’d get lost in a seductive fantasy without something tangible to latch onto