
When Evelyn invited me to her house, I just couldn’t say no. I jump at the opportunity, I just want to see her so badly. Just hearing her voice again has my heart skipping a beat.

The fact that she invited me over means something. She feels something too, the way I do. I’ve wanted her since the moment I laid eyes on her, and I always get what I want.

There are a lot of complications that could come along with us being together, but I believe it’s worth the risk. I wouldn’t be anywhere in life if I didn’t take risks.

I take a deep breath before knocking on her door. Evelyn opens it with a smile. I smile back at her until I see the figure lurking behind her. Logan. I would recognize him anywhere.

This motherfucker. He just has to go after the same woman as me- just like with the damn dating app. My fists clench as I glare at him. I move toward him, ready to fight.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” I ask.

Evelyn stops in front of me.

“Wait, Sean,” she says.

“I could ask you the same thing. Evelyn invited me here. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t want your sorry ass showing up at her doorstep.” Logan says, crossing his arms, dismissing me. “Evelyn, could you please tell this man to go?”

“I actually-” Evelyn begins, but I cut her off.

“I think you got that wrong. She invitedmehere. She wouldn’t invite your sorry ass here if you were the last man on the planet.”

“I, uh,” Evelyn starts again, but this time Logan cuts her off, pushing his way in front of her.

“Sorry, but may I remind you, whose app is topping the charts above yours?” Logan asks as he leans toward me. “Oh, that’s right- mine is. Now if you will excuse us, we were talking.”

“I don’t fucking care if you were here first,” I rage on. “Evelyn, tell this man the truth before I have to with my fist.”

“You’ve always been a man so great with words,” Logan says.

“Stop it!” Evelyn steps in, putting her arms up to separate us. “I called you both here. Now, if you two would stop-”

“Why did you invite both of us?” I ask. “You should know as well as anyone that I hate this piece of trash.”

“Same for me, but I wouldn’t say trash, because even my trash is a step up from him,” Logan says, looking at his nails.

“Stop, I’m serious. I called you both here today. Now please, let’s go inside and sit and talk like normal people,” she says, biting her lip.

She’s nervous about something. This can’t be good. What if she’s going to let one of us down gently? I would love to see that happen to Logan.

Logan and I both nod, taking a deep breath before we walk back into the house. Evelyn leads us to the living room. I take her in as we walk. She’s wearing a light blue blouse with white shorts on. As she walks, I can see a little bit of ass cheek poking out.

She sits us down on the couch which we both sit on opposite ends of glaring at each other.

“Let me finish this time, before you butt in,” she says. “I want to be able to at least get my point across before you two cut in. I know this is a long-shot idea and would like it if you at least hear me out.”

I can tell she’s avoiding the point, but I wish I could just know why. Both of us nod in unison at her words.

“I can’t believe I’m actually saying this, but I like both of you so much. You’re both such wonderful men. You both have everything a girl could want, you’re athletic, successful, rich, powerful men. I could go on for hours, but what I’m trying to say is that I can’t pick between you two- I really can’t. I thought it over for a long time and it’s pretty much impossible. I want to date both of you at the same time.”

“What!?” Both of us yell as we stand up. “Why would you want to date him over me?”

“Hell no.”

“You two said you would hear me out,” she says, holding up her hands.

“I think I heard enough,” I say, anger fueling through me again.

It’s bad enough competing with him for an app, now I have to compete with him over a girl too?

I storm out of the house, slamming the door behind me. There was no way I was going to sit there and listen to the rest of whatever she was going to say.

I hop in my car and begin to drive, completely lost in thought. It isn’t normal for me to get this worked up over a woman. Usually by now I would cut my losses and move on to the next.

Who wouldn’t want to date me anyway? But Evelyn wasn’t just another girl. The fact that she could have been seeing Logan this whole time behind my back, completely throws me off. Jealousy surges through me.

I thought I had something special with her. I thought I was the only guy she was seeing. Did she screw him too? Why did I even care?

Because I thought I had something special with her. I thought I meant something to her.