“Yes, darling. Just go back to sleep. He’ll be back soon.”

If something happens to Sean, I don’t know what I’ll do. We’re a team- a family. Just when the first tear slips down my cheek, I hear a rustling noise.

“Oh my God Logan, wake up. There’s a lion or a tiger coming our way!”

“This isn’t a game preserve Evelyn. We’re all right.”

“No, we’re not! Something is coming to get us!”

“Are we going to die mommy?” Margaret awakes to my panic.

On cue she and Seth start to cry. Kenneth wakes up.

“What’s going on?”

Logan shoots me a look and starts to gather the children. This is it for our little family. When Sean comes back, all he will find are our bones. I go to my children and Logan. He wants to take cover, but I’m paralyzed with fear.

“Oh Logan, I love you so very much. I have since the first day I saw you in class.”

The tears are coming full force. Logan tries to comfort me but I’m having none of it. The rustling grows louder.

“I love you Sean!” I shout into the night.

The tiger is just about to appear. These are our last moments.

“I love you too, sugar. What’s going on here?”

I see Sean with two men and a woman all holding flashlights. I can hear a vehicle in the background.

“Come on kids, I’ve found the cottage.”

Logan gets up and pats Sean on the back.

“Way to go. Brilliant.”

Sean hands Logan a cold Guinness. They laugh.

“Just what you need.”

“As always Sean.”

Both Logan and Sean kiss. At that moment, the Northern Lights start to shimmer. The kids go wild. We gather them up, and we all hold hands to behold the miraculous Lights.

There’s uncharacteristic silence amongst my little family. We’re all in awe of nature.

“Best vacation ever!” Kenneth shouts.

Then all of my family starts to yell and shout. Even our rescuers join in. It’s wild. Logan and Sean take notice that I’m just standing there crying.

“Why are you crying Evelyn?” Logan asks.

“This is so beautiful. Our little family is so beautiful,” I whisper.

Sean and Logan come to my side, and we watch the kids dancing around. There is no better feeling for me except when Logan and Sean take the time to kiss me passionately.

“Thanks Evelyn.”

“Yes, thanks sweetheart.”