
Three months later…

My new favoritething each morning is to come into the office, raise the blinds of the window that lets me see out into the office, and watch Evelyn work. She is amazing in the way she collaborates with the team.

They love her and always do what she suggests. This has resulted in Evelyn killing this job. She has made our existing apps more successful and thanks to a few ideas generously given to me and Logan, our new app where we joined forces and launched last month has improved.

Evelyn is an amazing woman. Every day, I fall in love with her brilliance a little bit more. I don’t think my admiration for her could be any higher. She’s the real deal when it comes to being a business genius.

Stanford may have threatened to expel her all it wanted - when we gave her the keys to the kingdom, she decided that she’d finish her degree later. Like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and others, she decided the time spent chasing a degree wouldn’t really benefit her as much as working in a hands on capacity in the heart of the tech industry.

Evelyn also amazes Logan. He can’t stop talking to me about the new profits we’re seeing with our apps. In the spirit of being a threesome, we have started to think like partners instead of enemies.

“Is Evelyn busy working?” Logan asks.

We’re having another secret meeting without Evelyn. I hate to leave her out, but this is about her.

We go to sit down on our chairs. We both take our phones out.

“So, are we ready for tonight?”

“I’m ready, how about you?”

“I’m ready but Logan, I mean have you done your jobs?”

“Yes, I’ve called the florist and the caterer. They are good to go.”

“Good Logan, perfect in fact. I’ve made the final arrangements with the orchestra. They are going to be incredible.”

“So, what’s left to do?”

“Nothing. We’ve done it Logan.”

“The rings Sean? Do we have the rings?”

The blood drains from my face.

“I forgot!”

“Well then my friend, we better get to solving that one.”

Evelyn has no idea what’s going on. We said we were taking her to a new restaurant in a hotel. The restaurant isn’t new. In fact, there is no restaurant. We’ve rented the hotel’s prize-winning wedding venue to propose to her.

I ought to be nervous but standing next to Logan gives me confidence. The man just oozes confidence.

“Where are we going? I looked up the hotel and there is no restaurant.”

Logan and I look at each other. This woman is smarter than both of us put together.

“Oh, we don’t do public Evelyn. You should know that by now. There is a secret restaurant in the hotel.”

“There is Logan?” Evelyn says doubtfully.

I want to kick Logan for saying something so stupid. He sees that I am in the first stage of panic.

“Evelyn, will you just settle down, please. Little man over there is going to have an anxiety attack.”

“Why? Sean, what’s wrong?”