
Getting ready for school is always fun for me but these days I’m dreading going on campus. It makes me wish for online classes. I think that being around other students is important but with what’s going on right now, I wish that I was in a classroom alone.

The phone rings and I pick it up.

“Hello Ms. Blackthorn, the Dean wishes to talk to you.”

I hear a click and then the Dean clears his throat.

“Ms. Blackthorn, how are you?”

“I’m fine.”

The butterflies let loose in my stomach. I sit down.

“I’m sorry for what has happened to you. In the case of this situation, I’m afraid that we are deliberating whether to revoke your scholarship.”

“But I can’t afford Stanford without my scholarship!”

“What about a relative who could pay your way?”

“I’ve got no one.”

“Well, your education is important, I’m sure you could find a way.”

“No, there’s absolutely no other way for me to attend Stanford except for my scholarship.”

There’s a long pause on the phone. I feel my whole body going up in flames.

“I’m sorry to say Ms. Blackthorn but one of the other options we are looking at is a complete expulsion.”

“You’re kicking me out of school!”

My throat closes and my heart sinks at this thought. But it’s obvious that the school doesn’t want any bad publicity.

“Calm down Ms. Blackthorne. I’m sorry that you are in this circumstance, but for every action there’s a reaction- and I’m afraid this is where we’re at.”

“When will you have your final decision?”

“At the end of the week. There’s a lot to consider.”

We say goodbye and I hang up the phone.

Holy fuck. I’m getting kicked out of Stanford?! I can’t believe this.

In the midst of my freak out, I manage to text Logan and Sean. All I know right now is that I need them to come over as soon as possible. I need support.

Within minutes, they both text back that they’re on their way.

When the doorbell rings, I open the door and fling myself into their open arms.

“What’s wrong Evelyn?” Sean asks.

“They’re kicking me out of Stanford!” I shout, tears streaming down my face.

“Why?” Logan asks.

We both look at Logan like he’s crazy. He catches on.