
Life with Evelyn and Logan is really going great. I never knew that I could be so happy. Even things at work are also going well, and the teaching position is amazing. I have a lot to be thankful for right now.

After work, I go to pick up my mail. There’s the usual advertisements and junk mail that I throw away without looking at it. Then there are the bills and the greeting cards that my mom likes to send me.

Sometimes it isn’t even worth going to my mailbox because everything important gets sent to my office or to my email but today I have a feeling that I should pick up my mail. I open the mailbox and a stream of mail falls out.

It’s been about two weeks since I’ve checked it. I gather it all and go to my car. Usually, I would wait until I get home to open it, but there’s this bright pink envelope that catches my attention.

I tear open the envelope and a picture falls out. When I pick it up I see me, Evelyn and Logan eating out at the restaurant we went to when we took a mental health day and went on a date.

This is a bit strange. Why would someone send me this picture? I look again and all three of us appear to be laughing at something. Perhaps this picture was taken by some paparazzi, or some weird fan. Nevertheless, I tuck it into my satchel. I’ll think about this later.

Both Logan and Evelyn are coming to my house for dinner. It’s already five o’clock, and they will be at my house at seven.

Once my car is parked, I get out to unload my groceries. I don’t think much about the picture again- after all, I’ve only got a limited amount of time to make a chicken cacciatore that will knock their socks off.

It takes me two long hours to cook our meal but by the time Evelyn and Logan are ringing my doorbell, I’m finished. I go to open my door with my heart beating fast at the excitement of seeing my best friends and lovers.

“Dinner smells good,” Logan says.

“I can’t wait to eat,” Evelyn says.

“Come right in,” I say.

The two of them enter my home and I lead them to the kitchen where I’ve got cocktails ready.

“Sit down and make yourself comfortable,” I say.

“This is such a great kitchen. I love this little area with the wicker sofa and chairs,” Evelyn says.

“My mother gifted that to me.”

“Your mother has good taste,” Evelyn says.

Logan and Evelyn make themselves comfortable and I bring them their cocktails. Logan takes a sip and then downs it in one swallow. He looks up apologetically.

“This is some damn good stuff. May I have another?”

Both Evelyn and I laugh. I go to get Logan another cocktail.

“Bro, these cocktails are great- but where’s dinner?”

I hand Logan his cocktail and tell him that dinner is ready. The table is already set, so I bring out the platter of food. Both Logan and Evelyn start to serve themselves immediately.

“You two starving or what?”

“Yes, I’m so starved. I skipped lunch,” Logan says.

“Me too,” Evelyn says.

“Well then, dig in!” I say with gusto.

The three of us finish serving ourselves and begin eating.

After a few minutes, Evelyn mentions that she got a strange letter in the mail. She opens her satchel and brings out a pink envelope just like the one I received. She opens it, revealing the same picture that was in mine.

“I got one just like this in the mail,” I say.