“Oh no Sean, are you getting me in trouble?” I say.

Sean shakes his head and puts his finger over his mouth.

“She can’t prove a thing. Now eat,” Sean says.

The three of us begin eating. We are silent, but it’s a nice silence. I’ve never felt closer to Sean and Logan.

“Hey, it’s time for the Great British Baking show!” Sean exclaims.

I jump up to get my laptop. It’s got a big screen so that the three of us can enjoy the show. I move it over to the table where we’re eating.

“I love this show,” Logan says.

“It’s a new season,” I say.

I log into Netflix and start the show. The three of us eat and watch. I’m happy that I share something in common with Sean and Logan. We get into a heavy debate about who should leave the tent and then howl when they ask one of our favorites to leave the competition.

As we get up to clear the table and wash the breakfast dishes, I have never felt so perfect in a relationship. Last night and this morning have been so amazing. I love this relationship so far.

After breakfast, both Sean and Logan log into their laptops to see how their businesses are running. Satisfied that everything is going well, they decide to take the day off.

“You’re going to spend the rest of the day with me!” I cheer.

“You betcha,” Logan answers.

“Let’s catch that new action thriller.”

“I love those movies,” I say.

“Good, I’ll go check the show times,” Sean says.

Logan gets on his smartphone and makes lunch reservations at his favorite restaurant. I’m thrilled that I’m going to get to spend more time with these incredible men.

As I’m getting dressed, I realize that I’m no longer alone and for some reason, this thrills me. I’ve just been so lonely.

I put on some light makeup, leave my hair loose, and I’m ready to go.

The day is incredible. I sit in the middle of Logan and Sean at the movies. They both hold my hand. When I get scared, they put their arms over my shoulder. I feel so safe and secure.

When it comes to lunch, the restaurant is amazing. Logan and Sean know everyone there. The servers do a double take when Logan and Sean sit down together. It’s a shock to see these two fierce competitors laughing when last week, they were sending each other death stares across the room.

After lunch, we take a stroll along the quadrangle and then back to my apartment. It’s time to say goodbye. I kiss both Sean and Logan, and we get caught up in a group hug.

It’s early evening but I’m exhausted. I head to bed and fall asleep with a smile on my face. This has been the perfect day.