
When I open my eyes, it’s still dark in the room. I shift in bed, feeling my body ache in the best way.

I roll over and see Sean sleeping blissfully. Seeing him in such a vulnerable state is strange. He always seems so strong and assertive, but in this moment, I get to see the other side of him.

I roll to my other side expecting to see Logan, but all that’s there is an empty bed. Odd, given how early it is, but perhaps he just woke up to get a drink or something.

I stand up from bed, and laugh at my shaky, newborn deer legs. The guys really did a number on me last night. I’m still rubbing the sleep out of my eyes when I get to my kitchen, and it’s empty. I wait for a second in the silence trying to listen for movement or some other sign someone was here. Nothing.

“He left?” I whisper to myself.

I shouldn’t be shocked and part of me isn’t, but it hurts nonetheless. Logan is the kind of man who thinks twice before he does anything and second guesses himself after. He was always going to be difficult to get through to.

I shuffle back to bed trying my best to not let Logan’s absence get to me, but when I lay back down I’m sure I’m not falling back asleep anytime soon.

Unfortunately, this gives me nothing but time to stew in my thoughts. I thought last night was amazing; perfect even.

Why couldn’t he see that? The way he moved around was like poetry. The movements were as natural as breathing. They worked in lockstep with one another as they effortlessly left me screaming.

He looked so happy too. Between the desire in his eyes as he followed me to bed, to the greedy smile as he came deep inside me, he looked fulfilled. So much of my ecstasy came from that enjoyment.

Sean next to me groans as he comes to. Half awake, he pushes himself up onto his elbows. His unfocused eyes find me, and a warm smile spreads across his face.

“Hey, baby. What’s up?”

His low voice is thick with sleep that under better circumstances it would’ve had me ready to continue where we left off last night.

I try to muster up a convincing smile but judging by his sobered expression I’m failing.

He sits up completely and reaches out to me.

“Baby, what’s wrong?”

Before I answer, his eyes dart around the room.

“Where’s Logan? Did he do something?”

I shake my head and try to stop this from blowing up any more than it needs to.

“No, he didn’t do anything. He was gone when I woke up.”

Anger flashes in his eyes, and then he stares at the air between us. After a painful moment of silence he throws the blanket off of him, and he gathers his clothes scattered across the room.

“Sorry, I have work that needs to be done before class tomorrow.”

His words cut like knives, and his actions are like salt in a wound.

I stammer out, halfheartedly

“Yeah, I understand. Let me walk you out.”

When I stand up I suddenly feel very naked, so I find a boyfriend shirt and throw it on. I follow behind Sean, his shoulders look stiff and the muscles in his neck appear flexed.

We get to my door and I open it for him while he throws on his shoes. He avoids making eye contact with me, and I try not to take it personally.

I don’t know what comes over me, but I lean in for a goodbye kiss. My heart skips a beat when he leans in, but his lips gently tap my cheek.

“See you tomorrow,” he says as if it were only a formality.