

I hear footsteps behind me and spin around.

Great. Big bad Logan’s here.

Standing at Evelyn’s front door feels like standing in a sponge. It’s thick with anticipation and nerves. Worst of all, Logan is now hovering right beside me like a cloud, threatening to spit up and make the sponge even heavier. Actually, that mightnotbe the worst of all.

Worst of all is that he showed up with the exact same bouquet of white roses I did. They’re Evelyn’s favorite. I hate that he knows that, too.

I steal a glance at him. He stands so tall and pristine that just for a moment, standing next to him, I feel like a piece of trash. Am I held together the way he is?

Logan catches me looking at him and when his eyes meet mine, he gives me a small nod. I nod back and look back at the door.

I’m shocked. A huge part of me still can’t believe he’s here. Evelyn made it incredibly clear that it’s not one or the other with us, it’s both. Has he accepted being in the picturewithme? His nod felt like one of approval, but I still can’t help feeling like this is a competition.

Logan knocks on Evelyn’s door, even though I’ve already knocked, and she hasn’t shown up yet.

I hope she’s okay. What if something happened? This isn’t like her.

Just as the silence between us nearly kills me, the door flings open.

Evelyn stands behind it, glowing. She takes my breath away.

It looks like we’ve taken her breath away just the same because the shocked look on her face isn’t disappearing.

“H-Hi. Come in. Both of you.”

The flirty smile Evelyn shines at us is worth every single second of awkward tension on the doorstep.

“Evelyn,” I say, quickly.

I need to get her attention before Logan does.

“These are for you.”

Evelyn gasps.

“These too,” says Logan.

“I can’t believe you two. This is the sweetest, most amazing thing.”

Evelyn takes the bouquets and puts them in a vase on her table, bending over in just the right way for us. It feels impossible to look away from her amazing curves in that little black dress she’s wearing.

The flowers are nestled neatly in their vases as Evelyn turns back to us. Her hair is spilling over her shoulders.

She’s a damn goddess.

“Let’s go to the living room. I have something I’d like to tell you two.”

My eyes flick to Logan. He’s still the stoic rock he always is and there’s no sign or trace of what he’s feeling on his face.

It’s irritating because I know that phrase,‘I have something to tell you,’is one that shoots adrenaline and fear through my veins.

Evelyn’s hands are so soft, it’s distracting. Her perfume is erotic and delicious, and her heels click as she walks us to the couch.

“I want to continue seeing both of you.”