
Two weeks have gone by since the kiss, and I can’t stop thinking about him. Well, both of them, to be honest, are stuck in my head like a rerun on TV.

A lot has changed in my life too. I’ve moved.

Scrimping and saving, I now have a place to call my own. I got this place as the next part of my plan.

You can’t really entertain professors in your dorm room. Too many people will see. But its quite another thing to have your professor come to your apartment to fuck the living daylights out of you.

Now that that part of the plan is set, it’s time to claim my reward.

I shouldn’t be thinking of either of them, really, but I can’t help myself. Just like I can’t help the smile that appears on my lips every time I get a text from one of them. I know it means trouble for myself when I smile at a guy's text message.

It’s a sign I’m starting to fall in love with them. I am not just getting text messages from the guys either; I’m getting phone calls too.

Phone calls are what make my heart skip a beat because it means a bit more than a text message. They’re not brief calls either; they’re long calls. The fact that two millionaires are taking time out of their day to talk to me is surreal.

They can take time out of their day for other women too, though. They can have any woman they want. Why would they want someone like me? The thought keeps popping in my head every time I allow myself to get excited about it.

It’s like my brain and heart are having a war inside me. My heart wants to be all giddy over what’s going on, but my brain doesn’t allow my feelings to get too far. My brain knows that if my heart goes too far with the feelings, I will have to face the truth.

Is it even possible to fall in love with more than one person at the same time? It’s not like it would work, anyway. I can’t date both of them. Can I?

I’m not the type of person who can secretly date two guys at the same time without either of them knowing. It sounds like a lot of work and who knows what the outcome would be if they found out. They already hate each other. No, I can’t do it like that.

Is there a way I can do it and still be open about what’s going on? Because I really don’t think that I can decide between the two of them.

They’re both really great guys for different reasons. Logan is so mysterious that he always leaves me wondering what else he has in store for me. Meanwhile, Sean is completely different. He isn’t as in control over his emotions as Logan is, but I like it. I like how he shows more of what he’s thinking than Logan.

After thinking for a little while longer, I make my decision. I’m going to date both of them. There is no way that I can decide over which one I like better. Once I decide, it comes to the next problem- telling them. I need to tell them I want to date both of them.

Before I can stop myself, I pick up my phone and dial Sean’s number. It rings a few times before he answers.

“Hello?” his husky voice answers.

He seems almost out of breath. He must be working out.

“Hey, Sean, this is Evelyn,” I say, almost wanting to smack myself in the face.

Of course he knows it’s me- he has caller ID. Everyone does.

“Hey, what’s up? Good timing, I just got done working out.”

“I’m wondering if you would want to come over tomorrow?” I ask, twirling a piece of my long hair.

I can feel nerves fill my stomach even as I try to calm myself. The worst he can do is say no.

“Sure,” he answers, taking me out of my thoughts. “I’d love to come over tomorrow.”

“Okay, I’ll see you then,” I say with a smile.

He agrees, and we both say our goodbyes before hanging up. Next is Logan. Hopefully, it goes the same. I don’t want just one to say yes.

“Hello?” he answers, his voice just as husky as Sean’s.

They can both make me melt with just their voices alone.

“Hey, this is Evelyn. Would you like to come over tomorrow?” I ask.