Logan’s light blonde hair is combed, perfectly. Everything about him demands perfection, down to the very words that drip from his delicious lips. The fact that he, of all people, thinks I can really make it, means more than anything.

“Really. Where on Earth did you learn all that?”

A laugh escapes my lips as I shrug.

“I guess working your whole life really makes you look at what’s wrong and right and how you can do better.”

“Where do you work?”

Loganisdifferent today. He wants to get to know me more than what I can do for him in the bedroom. Not that that was bad, it’s just different.

As we talk, I get to know this whole other side of him. A side that is funny and easy going and actually kind of dorky once he opens up.

I see why he comes off as cold to people now. It’s like his own protective way of navigating the world. On the outside, he’s everything everyone wants him to be.

He’s incredibly sexy, muscular, put together, gorgeous, rich- and did I mention hot? I can also see how his laser focus might put people off, so he doesn’t let anyone in. If you don’t care that people are put off, then there’s no hurt that comes from it. He lets himself succeed in the way he knows how.

We talk for hours about anything and everything. We talk about business, competition, work, philosophy - everything down to Saturday morning cartoons or our favorite color.

“We better go,” Logan says.


I don’t want to, though.

I grab my purse, throw my cup away, and walk to the parking lot. It’s hard to miss Logan’s car among the students. I don’t know what kind it is, but I know it’s a sports car and I know it’s ridiculously expensive. I can tell just by looking at it.

He’s walking me to my car, only a few away from his.

“Geez, I don’t want you seeing my beat-up wagon after seeing that.”

Logan laughs.

“I won’t judge you.”

I look down at the rust creeping up the sides of my car. It’s not too awful if you don’t look underneath.

I spin around and lean my back against the driver door and before I can say goodbye, Logan’s lips are on mine.

He’s so warm and solid against me. The kiss is slow, intentional. His lips and tongue are discovering every inch of mine as he cups my face with both hands.

I wrap my arms around his waist and kiss him, deeper. I don’t want this kiss to end. It’s too perfect.

All I want is Logan.

I want to taste him forever.

He breaks away, with a sigh, and clears his throat.

“I’ll see you later.”

His voice is still warm as he breaks away and walks to his expensive car, only to drive away, leaving me incredibly breathless.

It seems that I have underestimated Mr. Klein.