
It’s only been a few days of classes and attending school, and I just can’t stop thinking about how absolutely fucking amazing both of my professors are. Obviously, they’re great teachers, but where my real focus lies is somewhere far less academic.

Anytime they’re standing up there lecturing, telling the class what to do or explaining theory, I can’t help but get distracted. I want to be in the class, don’t get me wrong, but it’s hard to stay entirely focused when both of your teachers are drop dead gorgeous.

Add onto that the fact that I know they’re both amazing in bed? Well, that adds up to me squirming in my seat every time.

And how can I not? They’re both tall, broad, muscular, and handsome, and don’t they know it.

They’re cocky but not to the point of being bothersome, and neither of them are afraid to tell youexactlywhat to do. No matter the situation. They definitely have their own method of doing things, but it works for both of them. God, does it work.

What’s bothering me a little though, is that they’ve sort of been avoiding me. As much as they can while still teaching, of course. It’s not like they’re letting my education suffer, but they certainly aren’t engaging with me as much as they were.

Logan is obviously the more stubborn of the two. Not only is he much more stern in general, but he’s barely even acknowledged me in class. Sure, it’s not like he’s blatantly ignoring me, but considering we slept together I figured there would be more heat when he saw me.

I know he had a good time with me, so it’s not that. Part of me thinks that maybe he’s just kind of cold, although he did give me an A+ on my last paper. At least I know that he sees me.

Professor Frazier has been flat out avoiding me. Ever since he pinned me against the wall the other day, and we made out- he’s been even more distant.

Before, I would catch him sneaking glances every other minute, but now he’s mostly focused on teaching. It’s still clear to me that he’s the more impulsive of the two of them, though. Logan seems like the kind of guy to carefully calculate everything, while Sean seems the type to dive in head first and make it up as he goes along.

As different as they both are, and as much as I know it’s probably not the best idea, I can’t help but want them both. I can’t stand the thought of just having to look at them while they teach, and not being able to act on the fact that I want to climb them both like a tree. And who could blame me?

They’re both built like the statues of Greek Gods that you see displayed in a museum. Not only that, but I know for a fact that they can both make me come so hard that I forget my name.

The sex with them was great, fucking fantastic even, and I can’t stop thinking about it. To know exactly how it feels to have one of those large hands wrap around my throat or pulling my hair…

Besides all that, they’re both incredibly smart and wildly successful in their industry. To own companies as large and successful as they do at their age is almost unheard of, and there’s a reason that so many people signed up for their class.

To have not one, buttwohigh-profile business owners teaching you the ways of the world? Taking their class is the chance of a lifetime and anyone would be stupid to pass it up. Which is precisely why I was so thrilled to be able to sign up for their class and get a scholarship.

So, after being ignored yet again in class today, I decide that I’m not going to sit by idly anymore. I smirk to myself as I lay on my couch and pull my phone out of my purse.

If they’re going to be stubborn and not make another move, then I will. After all, I don't shy away from going after what I want. How will I ever get ahead if I don’t take my shot?

I bite my lip and start typing, deciding that I’ll send them both a message.

I ask them if they’d like to meet up—obviously using separate days for them, I’m not a moron—and hit send, my heart fluttering in my chest as I see the check mark telling me that the messages have been delivered. Then I put my phone back into my purse with a smile, and pull out my book to start studying.

The rest of my day is fairly uneventful, but productive. I manage to finish my reading and even get some time to read ahead, hoping that it might give me an edge in my next class. Maybe I can impress Logan or Sean if I know some extra answers.

After a while, I hear the familiar ding of my phone, and I dive to grab it from my purse.

I see a notification telling me there’s a text from Sean, so I open it up. He agrees to meet and gives me the address of a local coffee shop not far from me, and I can’t help but feel excitement welling up. I send him a message back and tell him I’ll be there.

Opening up Logan’s contact window, I frown. There’s still no message from him, the stubborn bastard- but I’m still hopeful that he’ll give in. After all, he did the first time when I gave him my number.

I decide that he’s probably just trying to play it cool and keep the upper hand. That’s fine with me, and I toss my phone into my bag as I head into my room to figure out what I’m going to wear for my coffee date with Sean.

I rummage through my closet and try to find something that’s both cute and sexy, eager to have him drooling over me regardless of what his intentions are. If they want to play hard to get, then I can play the game too and tease them until they can’t hold back.