
As much as I know I shouldn’t be thinking about it, my mind won’t stop focusing on how much I enjoyed myself with Evelyn the other night. And how muchsheenjoyed herself. Several times, in fact.

Evelyn seems like one of those girls who leaves an impression on everyone she’s with, and I’m apparently no different. Even when I was having breakfast, I couldn’t keep my mind off of her and nearly burnt my eggs because of it.

I don’t like being off my game, and I don’t like that I made such a snap decision.

Being impulsive isn’t like me. I’m Logan fucking Klein, hotshot billionaire and entrepreneurial genius. I don’t get side tracked and distracted by a random chick I’ve slept with, and I definitely don’t let sex cloud my judgement.

Yet here I am, unable to think about anything but how much I want to be buried balls deep inside of her again. So much so, in fact, that I spill my hot coffee all over my lap.

“Ah, fuck me!”

I growl and hastily wipe my pants, cursing under my breath as I shake my head. I need to get ahold of myself.

If I don’t smarten up, I’m going to get myself in real trouble, and for what? Some random blonde who happens to be a good time? No, it’s entirely not worth it.

I still can’t believe that I slept with her in the first place. This isn’t something I make a habit of. In fact, this is something that I specifically avoid; thinking with my dick has never got me anywhere good.

As much fun as I had and as much as I’d like it to happen again, I know it can’t. It’s just too risky.

If word ever got out that I slept with a student in my class, my job at the university would likely be thrown out the window. Not only that, but Sean would have a fucking field day. He’d take the opportunity to use it against me and come up with some sort of smear campaign against my company.

My hope of coming out on top on the business side of things would be absolutely shot, and he’d be the one whose stocks skyrocketed while mine plummeted. As much as I don’t like the guy, he’s not stupid. He’d make a mockery of me, and I just can’t let that happen. I won’t.

I decide that grading papers is probably a good way to clear my head and focus on work, so I change out of my coffee-stained pants and into a new suit. Then I make my way into my study and sink down into the leather chair at my desk, burying my head in the papers. I’ve got a ton of grading to do anyway, so it should take up at least a couple hours of my day.

It’s a solid plan and, sure enough, within a few minutes I find myself completely focused on work, nothing else clogging my mind or clouding my judgement. That is, until I come to Evelyn’s paper. Still, I’ve got to stay focused and professional, and keep my mind on grading and nothing else.

Given that she’s so flirty I sort of expected her to be a bit of an airhead Sure, she’s taking an advanced business class, but that doesn’t always equal success.

Once I start grading her paper though, I realize just how fucking smart this girl is. Not only is she clearly paying attention to what I’m saying in my lectures, but she knows how to apply it in both a business and practical sense. Her paper is by far the best in the class, and I sit back with a smile, chuckling to myself.

“Well shit. Look at you, Evelyn. Apparently, you’re a lot more than just a pretty face.”

I take one more look over it to make sure that I’m not just distracted, and once I’m done, I finish marking, writing an A+ as her grade on the final paper.

I can’t believe that she not only paid attention to my lectures but was able to translate it into something brilliant on paper. She was even able to take one of my examples and apply it to a whole other industry, listing pros and cons of technique.

Not many students can do that, especially not ones as young as her. It’s clear to me that Evelyn is a very gifted student, in more than one way.

I begin to wonder if there’s any way that I can give her some extra assignments to add to her portfolio. Things like that always count for extra credit and usually give the student a better chance for a more prominent placement when they graduate from the program.

I can think of a few ways she could earn extra credit.

I roll my eyes at my own stupidity and inability to stay focused. Shaking my thoughts away, I decide to do what always helps me clear my head- the gym.

I get changed into something more comfortable and head down there, stopping for a pre-workout shake on the way. Once I’m inside I immediately head to the free weights and start lifting.

“Well well,” a voice calls out behind me. “Logan Klein. It’s been ages, how ya been man?”

I look over my shoulder to see Ryan, an old co-worker and friend. I grin back with a nod and gesture to the free bench next to me.

“Oh you know me, living the dream.”

“Yeah, that’s easy to do when you look like you do, and you’ve got your kind of cash.”

We share a laugh and Ryan starts to lift as well, looking over with his brow cocked when I add an extra 30lbs to each hand weight.