“Why is that?”

“Oh, it’s just a dream I’ve had since I was a kid. I want to be the owner of a highly successful business. The CEO’s office in a skyscraper type deal, you know?”

Again, his eyes drift from the road to me, this time searching for something. I suspect it’s scrutiny; testing the resolve behind my admittedly outlandish statement. Once he’s satisfied, his eyes return to being fixed on the road.

After we arrive at Sean’s restaurant of choice, his polite nature doesn’t waver. Though, to my surprise, instead of us having some fancy private seating, he has us sitting at the bar.

He casually orders a drink for both of us as if we’re old friends and the first round is on him. The bartender’s eyes light up, and they rush to get our drinks to us as fast as humanly possible.

The contrast of the bartender’s frantic movements and Sean’s relaxed demeanor says more than a thousand words. Sean is a regular here, and he’s a man you make sure is properly served.

Our time at the bar is shockingly brief, but judging by the many lingering glances he gave me, it isn’t because he minded the service. He asks if I’d care to go back to his place, but it’s merely a formality at this point.

I take peeks at the speedometer as we drive back to his place, and we’re doing no less than fifteen over. His face is stoic, and his posture is relaxed.

The house we pull up to has my jaw hitting the floor. At a glance it looks more like an upper-class community center than one man’s home.

When we pull to a stop Sean laughs.

“I bought it when I was still in the ‘collecting every kind of sports car’ phase. I’ve thought about selling it and downsizing, but it’s hard to let go of your first home.”

I turn to respond, but the man’s already out of the car and coming to open my door. He proceeds to escort me around the place, commenting on art pieces he’s collected over the years.

After a long flight of stairs, we come to a door I assume leads to his bedroom. My assumptions prove correct as he ushers me inside.

The room is large enough to house my entire apartment, and the bed at its center looked like something befitting a king’s chamber.

I have little time to take it all in when Sean grabs me by the shoulder, spins me around, and presses his lips against mine.

My hands slide up his chest until they reach behind his neck, and I pull him into me. A deep hungry growl escapes his throat as a large hardness presses into my stomach.

I smile to myself. Seems my teasing worked perfectly.