
One year later…

Today is a very special day.Perhaps one of the most special days I’ll ever have in my life- and definitely the most special so far.

It’s the day when Isaac, Emma and I are going to get “married”. Obviously, we won’t be legally married since it is illegal to be married to more than one person in this country- but we don’t need any piece of paper to make it real. In fact, it may even be more real this way.

We’re having just a very small ceremony with just the three of us. We figured it would be more romantic and meaningful this way. Besides, this marriage only involves the three of us anyways- why should anyone else have to be there for it?

I am beyond excited for this day. Even though we’re not doing a whole thing where all of our friends and family show up, and we walk down the aisle and such- we’re still dressing up and having our own little private reception later on.

It’s going to be a small celebration before we take off tomorrow morning for our honeymoon in Italy. Yes, Italy. We’re spending two whole weeks there- one of the benefits of not spending thousands on some huge elaborate wedding.

It’s not only going to be our first time out of the country together- but our first ever vacation together as well. It will be something we remember for the rest of our lives- and I’m sure we’ll be talking about it and reminiscing about it for just as long.

A friend of ours got officiated online for us so that they could do the ceremony. We’re holding it at a small, private beach that we were able to gain access to for the afternoon. After the ceremony, we will be heading back to our home for the party.

“Is it weird that I’m not nervous?” Emma asks.

“No, not at all. That just means that we’re absolutely sure about this- that we have zero doubts. And what’s better than that?” I say.

“He’s right. I’m not nervous either. Just incredibly excited.”

“Is it weird that I’m more excited for the honeymoon?” I joke. “Just kidding!!”

“Noo, you can’t take it back now! What’s said is said!” she shouts.

The three of us giggle together. We’re in the back seat of a BMW that our friend Cassidy- the officiator- is driving.

In just a couple more minutes, we arrive at the private beach. Isaac and I help Emma out of the car, carrying her train as we walk to the little spot that we’re getting married at.

My heart is beating out of my chest with excitement.

“Are we ready?” Cassidy asks us.

“Yes,” we all answer.

“Okay, Isaac- you’re first up to say your vows.”

Isaac clears his throat as he takes a small piece of paper out of his suit jacket and begins reading.

“Since I love you both as one, I am going to address you as one in my vows. Luke and Emma- I love you both with all of my heart. I love you unconditionally and with the promise of forever. Both of you are so special to me, and I wouldn’t trade either of you for anything. I want you both to know that I will never leave- through the good and bad- I will always be there. I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together.”

He wipes a couple tears away and everyone turns to me. I specifically memorized mine so that I could look them in the eyes as I recited them.

“Emma, Luke- you are my forever. I used to think that there was no possible way that I would find someone to spend the rest of my life with- but I was lucky enough to find not only one- but two. I feel like the luckiest man in the entire world, and I truly couldn’t ask for a better life. Honestly, I could go on and on- but I have the rest of our lives to tell you how much I love and appreciate you two. For now, I will end this by saying that my love for you is endless.”

“And last but not least, Emma,” Cassidy says.

“I actually didn’t write my vows because I wanted to kinda freestyle it and speak right from the heart without thinking- but wow, after hearing of your vows- I kind of regret not writing them ahead of time.”

We all laugh.

“Isaac and Luke. Man am I glad that I met you two. If I hadn’t- I would probably still be living the same boring life. The two of you make my life so interesting and fun- I could never get bored with you two around. That’s exactly the kind of love that I’ve always hoped I would someday have. I cannot wait to spend our lives together, me, you guys, and our two little twins babies.”

She stops and places her hands on her belly while looking down at it.

Isaac and I share a wide-eyed look, before looking at her for confirmation.