
Istill can’t believe it. I’m a homeowner.Me!

After all of my hard work kicking ass at the club, sometimes the doubt of reaching my goal would creep in. I work, then save, then work, then save, and in the meantime, I have to defend myself to every meathead worried about the purity of the job. Now that I’m finally here, there are so many other costs of buying a house. I had no idea.

Inspections, papers, closing fees, taxes - it adds up. I might be worried if I didn't have this absolute blessing - the reward money. In the most amazing way, everything is falling into place. I’m even thankful for Ginger. If she never tried to frame me with all those arsons, the reward money never would have existed and I’d still be busting my ass.

So, where do I go from here? Do I keep stripping or do I finally cave? I don’t want to do it forever, no one does. Maybe the whole debacle with Ginger and finally getting the house was the finish line I was meant to cross.

“You’re a rock star at money management, sweet pea. How did I raise such a savvy daughter?”

The memory of my father’s words tickles me.

I am good at it, huh? A quick Google search has me finding my stride toward potential career opportunities dealing with money.

“Are you detail oriented? Great with numbers?”

Yes and yes.

“Are you great at discovering financial areas that need special attention?”


“Career path: Certified Public Accountant”

Well, that would certainly be a safer choice than being a stripper. My dad would be so proud. The guys would be proud. Hell, I would be proud. The next thing I know, I’m sending in my college application for the next semester.

Speaking of the guys, they probably still want me to choose between them, but how can I?

Luke is so damn charming and sexy with his dark hair and blue eyes. He brings an ease to everything he does. Whenever he’s around, he brings out the parts of us that are the most fun. I love the way he cuddles against me and talks to me about his problems, but there’s also Isaac.

He’s practically angelic with looks and the more I gaze into his dazzling green eyes, the more I’m sure he was molded by a higher power. His strength and level headed air is only one I’ve ever dreamed of being with. Living under his protective wing feels like even the strongest earthquake couldn’t crumble the ground beneath me.

I can’t live without the moments when Luke brings out his silly side or Isaac brings Luke

down to Earth. The more I think about it, the less of a conclusion I come to. I want them both. I need them both.

I text them in our group chat.

“It’s my first night here!”

“You’re not moving alone!”

Luke’s text isn’t quite a demand as much as it is an excited declaration.

“We’ll be there in 5,” Isaac sends.

Before I know it, the men are barreling through my door with their strong arms, ready for action. Moving has never been easier.



Luke is already back to me with another huge box in hand and an eager, puppy dog smile, waiting for direction.


Luke scrambles past Isaac, showing him playfully out of his path.