“It seems like there’s a lot of weird things going on at the moment. Since you’ve been so cooperative I won’t give ya’ trouble for not having your license on you, just make sure you have it next time alright?” he says.

I nod, although internally, I’m freaking out. Where the hell is my license? When the hell did I lose it? Why the hell is there a tip aboutdrugsin my car? What the hell is going on?

“Thank you so much officer, you’ve been very kind,” I say with exasperation.

The man walks back to his police cruiser and pulls off. Soon after, I pull off too. The thoughts of where I could have lost my license fly through my head. I haven’t taken my wallet out all night. It’s been in my purse, in the club dressing room where all the other girl’s purses are…

None of this adds up, could someone have… stolen it?

The drive home is thankfully uneventful. When I get inside my apartment, I flop onto my bed. My purse hits the ground. I’m much too tired to properly hang it up. Both Luke and Isaac receive a text detailing the cop, the license, the drugs, everything.

I lay in bed, rolling over restlessly. I don’t want to sleep until either of them responds. My phone shines a blank, numbing white. Each time I check my phone I’m met with a whole whopping load of nothing from either boy.

This goes on for thirty minutes until I finally clutch my phone to my chest and sigh.

Waiting like this for hours is pointless… I might as well try and sleep.

My shoes fly off as I kick them from my feet. Soon I cuddle up under my blankets, still checking my phone at regular intervals waiting for a response. After ten more minutes of tossing and turning, I begin to drift off. My thoughts slowly clouding in the hazy depths of sleep until I’m left with one final thought.

What the hell is going on?