Ginger holds up her hands and shrugs.

“I don’t know. You tell me. Things just naturally happen to bitches because they must be punished for the things they do or in your case, the things they don’t do.”

Ginger winks at me and then turns around and leaves my area. I get a chill down my spine at her words and her threat. I put my head down on my dressing table for a few minutes to shake off this terrible conversation.

Five minutes go by, and I feel better. I get up and take my costume with me and go change. My costume is a blue body suit with red, white, and blue sequins.

My dance music is America the Beautiful. Not a sexy song on its own but when I dance it, I turn up the heat. I hear my name being called so I change quickly.

It’s a gamble to do this song but I add some sparklers at the end, and I march up and down the stage pulling off pieces of my specially made bodysuit. The music starts and I go out saluting.

The music starts so it’s time to do my dance. The crowd starts yelling to take it off. When the song ends, a disco mix of this song starts playing. I start to do my stripping up and down the stage.

I do such a good job stripping, there are hoots and howls from the audience. After I take off the last of my costume, Andie the stagehand lights my sparklers. She is behind the curtains, so I have to march over there for my sparklers.

There are boos in the audience because they think I’m not coming back. I let down my long hair and shake it out so that it looks wild. I take the sparklers and I march out onto the stage while the music is building to a crescendo.

This is my moment and I take full advantage of it. The sparkers are stunning and the crowd whistles and hollers with excitement. I’m so into this strip tease routine that I do more than I planned to do. I wiggle my butt and shake my breasts.

The crowd goes wild. The music ends and everybody in the crowd stands up and claps for me. The sparklers stop burning so it’s safe to go to the edge of the stage.

As I expected, I collect more tips than usual. This routine is a hit which makes me proud. After I collect my tips, I run backstage to the dressing rooms. The girls make fun of me and start saluting.

“Oh, you guys!” I laugh.

The girls clap for me. This is my last dance of the evening. I get to go home early and that’s great because I’m exhausted.

Putting on my street clothes, I notice my scarf is missing. I look for it but can’t find it anywhere. I give up looking for it and decide to go home without it.

It’s been such a long day for me; plus, I have a lot on my mind. It’s been a weird evening. Ginger really ticked me off with her personal request.

Taking a minute to wonder if her threat was serious, I remember that Ginger just likes to be the toughest girl in the room. The last thing I do is say goodbye to the girls and then I leave the strip club. All that is on my mind is my warm bed, the book I’m reading and the pizza that I’m going to pick up on the way home.