My position as the best friend of the Captain works for me.

“Let me go brag to some of the others,” Isaac whispers.

With a slight pat on the back, I let him enjoy his moment and decide to talk to the Captain.

I approach him with an overcompensating jovial attitude, probably misleading him.

“Burrows,” he greets me sternly.

He doesn’t normally call me Burrows, so I improve my posture immediately and make my demeanor more professional.

“Lighten up,” he tells me. “Tell me your test scores.”

“I don’t believe I will qualify for the promotion with my scores, sir,” I tell him.

“Too busy with my daughter to study, huh?” the Captain asks.

“No, sir. I can manage personal relationships and study. I did. However, I still need to work on my anxiety and mental strength. I will get there,” I say with confidence.

“Not everyone can remain cool under pressure. My best friend is the same way. He’s not calm, but he provides a passion that provides balance to my stoic mannerisms,” the Captain muses.

“I still plan to climb up the ranks at the station, sir,” I inform him.

“You will find your moment,” the Captain assures me.

“Did your best friend find his moment?” I inquire.

“He lives in Malibu with two twenty-something girlfriends and owns the largest firefighter calendar company as well as a charity to support injured firefighters,” the Captain lets me know.

“I don’t like photography,” I say.

“Well, whatever you do, we want you on the team for as long as possible. Irrational people like you make the most heroic moves since they think with their heart instead of their head. My best friend also has two missing fingers,” the Captain informs me.

“Isaac will make a great Captain, and I will make a great support for him,” I promise.

“I’m sure. You seem very close,” the Captain scoffs.

Insecurity flows into me when I hear his words. Does he judge me for my relationship with Isaac? Does he think of me as less of a man?

The Captain seems to recognize his tone came off wrong.

“Don’t get all PC like I give a fuck about who you have sex with now or if you are gay,” he states. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

“I don’t feel gay. I feel as much attraction for Emma as Isaac. We just all go together,” I try to explain.

“This new generation confuses me more and more. I don’t care about anything as long as my little girl stays happy,” the Captain declares.

“Our unconventional triangle has your approval?” I pry, hoping to get a strong endorsement.

“I can adjust,” the Captain says.

“We will work with you as much as possible,” I assure him.

“She’s the one who likes to make things as uncomfortable for me as possible. She will do this for life,” the Captain sighs.

“I know. I plan on it,” I agree, hoping to find common ground.

“Don’t say anything negative about her!” the Captain commands.

“Okay. I just see that rebellious side in her. I like it. It pushes me,” I say.

“Well, just be good to her. Both of you,” the Captain requests, glancing at Isaac.

“Only in bed,” I mumble under my breath.

“What?” the Captain asks me, but I wave without answering and walk away to join Isaac.