“Watch it, pip squeak!” Isaac bellows.

“Pip squeak? Pip squeak! Who you callin’ pip squeak? By the way, the 50’s called, they want their insult back.”

The instant their boxes are safely set aside, Isaac grips Luke in a headlock as Luke punches at Isaac’s gut with fun-loving force. I take a mental snapshot of the moment. My guys. My house.

“Okay, fellas, relax.”

It’s such a lighthearted demand because I almost don’t want to tear them away from each other. They’re too cute, even when they’re giving each other the wide eyes they are now.


“You just did that thing your dad does,” Isaac says.

“Okay, fellas!”

Now that they’ve broken away from each other, it’s given us a moment to look around and realize I have no where for us to sit except the floor.

“When’s your furniture coming?”


“Well, looks like we’re sleeping on the floor tonight! Isaac? Did you bring sleeping bags?”

Isaac rolls his eyes.

“I don’t mind the floor.”

“The plus side is that there’s definitely enough space for me to give you two a littleprivateshow.”

Neither of the men can hide their eager smiles.

“One last show for Ember.”

“Last show?” Isaac asks.

I nod.

“I sent in my application before you two got here. I thought I’d set a new goal for myself. You know, now that I have this nice house, I’d like a bachelors degree in accounting to hang on the wall.”

“Emma! That’s great!”

For what feels like the 100th time today, they’re beaming and surrounding me with love.

“I take it this career choice is a little more, Isaac and Luke approved?”

Isaac’s at my front while Luke holds me from behind, laying sweet kisses up and down my neck. He pushes my hair to the side and combs it gently while Isaac cups my cheeks. He kisses my face, gently.

“You know, we just want you all to ourselves.”

Isaac’s tone is erotic. It’s vibrating through me. He presses his lips roughly to mine as Luke groans in my ear, continuing his kisses across my shoulder and to the crook of my neck. I spin around when Isaac breaks away. I face Luke and appreciate how quickly they can replace each other’s positions.

“We’re obviously notthatpossessive, but it was still hard watchingallthose other guys watching you.”

Luke’s lips crash to mine as I feel Isaac’s strong hands grip my hips. The heat rises as kisses transfer. I kiss Isaac over my shoulder. They share a kiss over me as my lips connect with Luke’s neck.

There’s no way I could ever choose between them.