“How about a dance instead?”

Luke smiles and leads me to the floor. Almost instantly, he’s behind me. His hands slither around my middle and rest at my hips. He’s swaying to the music and grinding behind me as I roll my hips back into him. Luke’s cologne covers me and gives me a sense of release that I crave.

I spin around in his arms and run my fingers along his broad, strong chest. I can only imagine how incredibly sculpted he is, underneath these tight clothes. He clearly knows how to move his hips, and I’m sure he’s got lots of practice there. I bet he’s got that sexy, V that leads down to his-

“Hey, Chief’s calling me over. Looks like I’ve been a bad boy,” Luke’s smile is as ridiculously charming as he is.

“I’m sure you have.”

“Look, I’ve got a shift soon. So, if I don’t get a chance to see you again tonight, would you like to go out sometime?”

I give him my phone to put his number in.

“When and where?”

“I’m on duty tomorrow night, so how about the night after that?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“Great, see you then,Ms. Martin.”

I run back to the table, sticking to my original plan -morechampagne. Reaching for a glass, I suddenly feel a presence behind me.

“Fancy seeing you here.”


I whip around to see Isaac, hottie number one.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“It’s fine. Hey, how’s he doing?” I nod back at my father, having an animated discussion with Luke.

“A little stressed, but I think he’ll be okay.”

“He’s pretty tough, isn’t he?”

Isaac flashes a killer smile.

“I’m sure it runs in the family.”

“Wearepretty tough, not many can handle us.”

“Really? Not even someone who, say, fight’s fires?”

I cannot get away from his gorgeous green eyes. Our gazes linger.

“How about a dance?”

“I’d love that.”

Isaac leads me to the floor and pulls my arms around his neck, his hands at my back press me closer to him. He knows how to get me hot, because I just want to tear my clothes off and press my naked chest against his.

His phone buzzes in his pocket, against me, almost making me tingle.

“Do you need to take that?”

“Shit, no. I’ve got a shift starting soon.”

A needy whine nearly escapes my lips. I don’t want his muscles to go, and I get the feeling he doesn’t want to part from me either.

“How about we meet up, and finishthis, tomorrow?”

“Yes,” I say, a little too eagerly, handing him my phone.

“Great, I’ve got to head out now.”

“See you tomorrow,Mr. Watson.”