Isaac pauses and stares me down. His gaze isn’t fun or playful. He’s pissed.

“Emma Martin? Long blonde hair?”


“I was with her the night before last.”


He’s got to be joking.

Isaac shakes his head and releases his weights to the floor.

“Why would you do that to me?”

“It’s not like Iknewyou were with her,” I release my own weights. “I didn’t even know you two knew each other.”

“You’re right, you’re right. I didn’t mean to get so… whatever. I just hate feeling pitted against you. First the test, now this?”

“I know what you mean, I hate it too. Let’s agree to let it go, at least for now. Hey, we’re both off tonight, let’s blow off some steam at the club.”

Isaac seems to have relaxed and resumes lifting. He smiles at my suggestion.

I think that’s a yes.

“Hey,”I lean over to Isaac, who seems a touch out of place here. “What are we going to do about our Emma situation?”

He shrugs his strong shoulders as the line to the club inches forward.

“We never agreed to be exclusive or anything. It was only one night. There’s nothing saying we can’t both keep seeing her.”

I nod.

“It doesn’t have to be a competition,”

“Exactly,” he continues. “Besides, it’s not just up to us. If she wants more withoneof us, we’ve got to prepare for that, but until then…”

“Sharing is caring?”

Isaac smiles, laughing and nudging me, and I know everything will be okay.

We finally reach the doors and enter the club. It’s like a hot, dark, bubble of sound. I manage to grab us a few beers before finding a table by the dancers. The music slowly fades, and a few dancers exit the stage.

“How’s everybody doin’ tonight?”

The crowd erupts with drunken cheers. I look over and even Isaac is clapping with a wide smile, displaying his perfect, pearly whites.

“Was that hot? Or was thathot!?”

More cheers.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this next dancer is sure to keep your fires blazing. Please, welcome to the stage, Ember!”

An erotic beat booms through the speakers.

Ember enters the stage. Is that -

“Emma?” Isaac’s eyes are wide, looking at me for confirmation.

She raises her arms above her head and hypnotizes the crowd with her hips. Everyone is calling her name.

Suddenly, she locks eyes with me and flicks her gaze to Isaac. Without skipping a beat, she slides off stage. My heart is thumping harder and harder with each erotic move she makes, and I can tell Isaac is on the edge of his seat, as well.

Emberslinks toward our table. Her smirk is wide as she drags her finger across Isaac’s shoulder, moving down his arm. She spins, swaying her delicious hips in front of him. Is this how she moved when she was with him?

In the blink of an eye, her skirt is gone, revealing a thong smaller than a thread. Watching her work the crowd, and Isaac, turns me on in ways I would never expect. She sits on his lap, grinding her hips and swaying her shoulders.

The music picks up and she turns her sights towards me. Emma comes at me from behind, playing with my shoulders, and dangling light touches around me.

What exactly is she doing?