Page 74 of Two Cowboys For Her

“I’m thinking we go as a threesome and try to find a way to embarrass the hell out of my dad.”

Both men are stunned and visibly trying to understand what I was implying.

“What do you think we could even do there?” asks Asher.

“Yeah, especially at the fair. Everyone’s going to be on their best behavior,” adds Liam.

“Because I know my dad. He’s a scum fuck that anyone who’s met him would want to see with egg on his face.”

“So, what are you suggesting?” Liam asks.

“I’m suggesting that we go, make a bit of a scene and chances are with the company there, it’ll embarrass him even more than us.”

The men’s eyes drift down to the table as they begin to fidget. They’re uncomfortable with my idea. It hurts more than it should. Were they ashamed of themselves and the position they’ve found themselves in?

Nah, my men have their issues, mostly with each other, but they weren’t that weak. They were both the type of man that cared more for the fruits of their labor more than the perception of how it was cultivated.

They both were proud and strong and those characteristics fueled their life long rivalry. I just need to remind them of it.

“I don’t know about you two, but I don't give two shits about the opinions of anyone at that fair. Hell, I don’t care about the national media’s opinion of me. If the two of you and your fragile egos can’t take the strain, I’ll go by my damn self,” I say, crossing my arms in protest.

Both men look at me with storms in their eyes. God, men were way too easy to manipulate.

“How far are you wanting to go?” Asher asks in a low, stern voice.

My mind begins to play highlights of a decadent day out. Instead of being a modest farmer’s daughter, I’d be the loud and proud vixen I truly was.

The idea of the guys being wrapped around my finger as we strut through the rustic get together. The shrieks of the women with their tightly clutched pearls as my men practically overflow with their lust for me. Being felt up was going to be given. I wonder what the limit of public indecency in Texas even is. Whatever it was, I was going to dance along it as if it were my personal stripper pole.

My smile feels more than a little devious.

“Pretty fucking far.”