Page 66 of Two Cowboys For Her

“It’s a mixture of gin, vodka, white rum and tequila with a squeeze of lemon juice and topped off with orange liqueur.”

“It’s so good!”

“Sounds good, let’s order,” I say.

Samantha gets the bartender's attention and orders three californications. The bartender gets them to us in record time. Samantha passes us our drinks.

“Okay, let’s drink all at the same time. 1 . . .2 . . .3!” says Samantha.

We drink at the same time. I can’t stop drinking mine. I drink it all the way down. I look at Samantha and Asher, they did the very same thing. We crack up laughing at each other. Samantha orders us more drinks. We drink them and then Samantha says we have to meet her friends. She takes us to a table of extremely attractive girls.

Then, as if the evening couldn’t get better, the girls all get up and we all go to the dance floor together and start dancing. I dance with eight gorgeous girls but none of them are as brilliant or hot as Samantha.

I had the best night. But the best moment was walking to Samantha’s apartment. The sun is coming up, so we stop to watch the sunrise together.

“This has been a real blast!”

“It sure has been,” Asher says, “You are amazing Samantha!”

“You sure are,” I add.

“Don’t make me cry. “

Samantha puts her arms around both me and Asher.

We walk the rest of the way to Samantha’s apartment. Then we pass out on her sofa. Samantha places her head in my lap and her legs on Asher’s lap. Asher and I sit close together. I know I’m going to have one heck of a hangover tomorrow, but this has been the best night of my life.