Page 63 of Two Cowboys For Her


“Ihave never in my life met a woman as stubborn as you!” Liam shouts at Samantha, who is sitting on the sofa drinking a Coca-Cola.

“I just don’t want to go back to Texas, that’s all.”

“We need you there, Samantha.”

I stand up and go stand by the floor to ceiling windows and look out the window at Manhattan. There are so many people on the streets and sidewalks. I can’t imagine living here.

“How can you stand this place, Samantha?” I ask.

“It’s a great place to live. I love it here.”

“Don’t you miss Texas at all?” Liam asks.

“What’s to miss about Texas?”

“There’s plenty to miss about Texas,” I say.

“Like what?”

“Well, you could miss us.”

“I do miss you guys.”

Samantha gets up from the sofa and comes to stand next to me.

“You guys need to go out with me here in the Big Apple to understand what I feel.”

“We miss you a lot in Texas. I wish that you would consider coming back and finish what you started,” I step closer to Samantha and put my arm around her shoulder.

“You guys were pretty adamant about not being a threesome,” Samantha breaks out of my hug and takes my hand.

“And then you left without giving us a chance to change our minds,” says Liam.

Samantha lets go of my hand and goes to Liam. She sits on the coffee table that is across from the sofa.

“You guys are never going to change,” Samantha lets out a big sigh.

I leave the window and sit back down on the sofa.

“You didn’t give us a chance Samantha.”

“You guys were pretty clear about hating each other. I pretty much got the message that it would be a cold day in hell before you would agree to a threesome again,” Samantha turns to me.

“We didn’t say that,” Liam insists.

“That's all you guys were telling me.”

“I guess you’re right. But that was before you left Samantha. Things are quite different now,” I say.

“What’s so different?”

“You left.”

We all stay quiet for a minute. I can tell that Samantha is beginning to understand what we are telling her.

“What if you just come home for a little while and help us to change.”