Page 52 of Two Cowboys For Her

“Are you okay?” He asks.

I break, looking into his eyes. And just as I knew it would- something changes. Asher moves closer to me, and somehow, we end up just inches away.

I can feel his breath on my face- and something tells me to get closer- to get just a little taste of him.

Our lips smash together, working in unison. My hands trail up and down his muscular body, while his hands go straight to my cock.

Suddenly, the kiss is broken, and Asher is on his knees before me. He yanks my pants down, and he’s about to grab my cock and close his mouth around it… but something in me changes.

I realize what’s happening, and I push him away from me, sending him skidding across the barn floor.

“What the fuck??” He yells.

Instead of responding, I walk towards him and kick him in the chest, before punching him twice right in the face. Before he can retaliate- I run out of the barn, hop onto Rodger, and gallop away as fast as I can.

Only I don’t go home. I just keep going and going, running away from my thoughts- running away from whatever the fuck just happened. I just have to get away.