Page 40 of Two Cowboys For Her

“The obvious is that you are a prick. You don’t deserve her.”

“Like you do?”

I get up from my chair. I’m starting to get really anxious. Liam always irritates me. I don’t know what it is about him, but the guy really gets me going.

“I believe that Samantha should choose the man that is good for her. And, in this case it is me. All you do is confuse her.”

“Is that right?” Liam finishes his coffee and gets up to throw the cup away. He comes back to the sofa and sits down. He runs his fingers through his blonde hair.

“Is it really because you hate me that you can’t screw me? Or is it something else?”

“I don’t like what you are implying.”

“Just asking.”

“No, for your information. I’ve no problem being in a threesome. I just hate you. That’s the only issue.”

“Okay man. I believe you,” Liam raises his hands.

I go to the table by the kitchenette, and I get some hotel stationery and a pen.

“I’m writing her a note that this will never happen again.”

“Hey, I want in on that. Sign it from me too.”

“Sure, I do the work and you want in. Typical.”

“What is your problem man? I’ll write my own note.”

“That’s just stupid.”

“Stupid is as stupid does.”


“Never mind. Just write the damn note.”

I write the note telling Samantha that there will no longer be any threesomes. I sign it and then I pass it to Liam to sign. He takes the pen for me and scribbles his signature.

“And now we both leave,” I say.

“Okay, but I’m leaving because I’m needed on the ranch. Not because you say.”

“I don’t care why you are doing it. Just get out of here.”

“I’ll leave when you leave.”


I go quietly to the bedroom and get the rest of my clothes and shoes. Liam does the same.

“I don’t know what she sees in you,” I say, shaking my head.

We both leave the hotel room and I have a sinking feeling in my gut that leaving Samantha a note was not the best thing to do, but I can’t stand being around Liam for much longer. And I don’t want him alone with Samantha- so this is the best I can do right now.

I close the door and leave the building.

Liam is already gone. I guess he doesn’t have a conscience. No surprise there.

I walk towards the lobby and wonder if I should go back. I stop and think about it for a while. No, it will be best if she reads the note alone. I don’t have the heart to see disappointment on her face. Hurting Samantha is the last thing I ever want to do.