
Itake my shot of Jack Daniels with ease, welcoming the warm embrace of my preferred liquor. I’m hoping a few shots with my bros will calm me down after that infuriating interaction with that asshole Liam- Christ what a nuisance.

Clearly Mr. Laurier thinks we’re a pair of dumb-ass billionaires and wants us to battle it out for his daughter- his smokin hot daughter. I’ll give him some credit though, it’s a clever ploy, and the fact that he’s willing to give up that juicy herd to get his daughter married off- well, that means he’s not only serious, but desperate. Desperate is something I can work with.

Samantha though- she’s a prize to fight for. I play with the shot glass between my fingers while imagining those riding pants, so seamlessly outlining that glorious ass of hers. Blonde hair flowing in the hot Texas air, experienced thighs squeezing tight against the sides of her horse. A majestic creature riding another majestic creature.

I feel a shiver shoot through my spine at the thought of Samantha riding something even better… me.

“Time to wake up brother!”

A strong slap on my back wakes me from my fantasy. I turn to find three of my best friends gathered along the bar, all with huge grins stretched across their faces. The saloon doors swing closed, momentarily swirling the humid air ofThe Lonestar.Next to me are Gunner, Frederic, and Andy. All three own smaller ranches along the state line and are some of the best friends a guy could get.

“A little early for Jack, don’t you think?”

Gunner Black is my longest running buddy. We literally grew up in diapers together, attending the same kindergarten all the way through high school. Business classes took us in different directions- him to New York, me staying near the homestead- but our bond has always remained.

Gunner signals the bartender while continuing to jab at me.

“Must have been one hell of a day to catch you here before work hours are over.”

I glance up at the clock hanging over the bar. It’s in the shape of a bull, and it appears to be four thirty-one. Sure enough, it’s an early hour for the likes of me to be hitting the bars.

Gunner knows business always comes first for me- which is why money was never a factor. I work hard, so I can play even harder.

I’m shaking my head, grinning just as wide.

“I guess even billionaires have an off day. “

Gunner nods.


I smile widely.

“Make it a double.”

Night seems to fall uponThe Lonestarrapidly. I give credit to the booze for that, as well as the company. The boys are all chatting me up, letting me in on all of the gossip that seems to spread like wildfire all over this town.

My mind keeps drifting back to Liam- that big idiot- and then of course, back to Samantha. Those damn pants.

Girls begin to drift into the bar. Andy elbows me, pointing his chin toward the front entrance. Three babes are walking in and seem to be hunting for a good time. Two have long black hair, possibly sisters, while the other is a dazzling redhead.

All are wearing short skirts and heels, their bare legs glistening under the bright lights. I feel my dick slightly twitch at the sight of them. Honestly, a good fuck would probably get this frustration with Mr. Laurier and Liam right out of my mind. But Samantha…

One of the girls with long black hair catches me staring. She winks at me, and I raise my beer towards her and her friends, shooting them a smile to die for. Two of the girls giggle, then summon the courage to walk over. Andy, Fred, and Gunner all notice, making space for the ladies at our table.

“Well, you’re difficult to miss aren’t you?” The taller lady says and stands close to me, her bare skin rubbing against my arm. Her friends giggle, nodding in agreement.

“You’re not so easy to miss either mamn.''

I'm smiling, thinking about what it may take to get all three of these ladies home with me. The billionaire status certainly has its benefits when it comes to casual sex.

Gunner motions toward the bartender.

“What are we drinking tonight ladies? Gin? Whiskey? Pick your poison!”

“Whatever this smoke show has got works for us,” the second lady with black hair winks at me.