Page 59 of Two Cowboys For Her


Asher is standing in front of me, and it is all I can do not to punch him in the face. I am so aggravated by his attitude.

“I can’t believe that you made her leave,” I say.

“I didn't do it on purpose,” Asher says.

“Well, you did it. Now you’ve got to fix it.”

Asher takes out his smartphone.

“I’ll call her now.”

I grab the smart phone out of Asher’s hand.

“Calling her isn’t going to make her come back. We need to do something more substantial.”


“Do you think I’m going to let you mess this up? I'm serious. We need to get her back. No taking chances on one of your dumb moves.”

“I won’t mess this up because there is a lot at stake.”

“Exactly, if we don’t get her back, Laurier is going to ruin our reputations.”

“Don’t tell me that you're more worried about your reputation than losing our relationship with Sam.”

“I didn't mean it that way. Of course, Samantha is an amazing woman. It’s just that our reputations are especially important in this town. A bad reputation could cost us business.”

I begin to pace up and down the kitchen floor. I’m trying to figure out what we can do to get Samantha back. Then I realize there is only one thing to do: bring her back to Texas.

“We need to go to New York City and bring her back.”

Asher doesn’t say anything for a minute. I wonder what is wrong.

“How do we get there?”

“By plane you idiot. You didn’t think we were going to drive all the way from Texas to New York City?”

“I’d rather drive.”

“It will take time that we don’t have.”

Asher sits down on my sofa.

“I can’t afford the ticket to New York City.”

This statement is shocking to me. Asher must have it worse than me financially. It figures that he would be having trouble making money off his ranch. I’ve seen the way he manages people. He probably isn’t any better with livestock.

I’ve been doing well financially, so I tell Asher that I can afford his ticket.

“I don’t want to take charity from you,” says Asher.

“Oh, I’m not giving you the money. It’s a loan.”

Asher rubs the whiskers on his chin.

“Okay I’ll let you loan me the money.”