Page 51 of Two Cowboys For Her


Since my date with Samantha a couple of days ago, I’ve been thinking about a lot of things. I’m in a very confused place in my life right now when I should be perfectly fine.

If I’m being perfectly honest with myself- I feel a lot of resentment towards Samantha. She’s a lovely girl, don’t get me wrong- and I know that her intentions are good (for the most part at least). But the way she has dragged me into this mess when my life was going perfectly fine- it just doesn’t sit right with me.

Not only that- but I actually really like her. She’s an extremely smart and resourceful girl. She’s incredibly hardworking, kind, and caring. But sometimes I worry that she’s a tad selfish. That or just plain oblivious.

She seems to think that she knows best. Like when she wanted me and Asher to get together- it was like she felt like she knew we secretly wanted that. But the thing is- she was wrong.

Before this whole ordeal- I had never eventhoughtabout another man in a sexual way- let aloneAsherof all people. I can’t help but blame Samantha for the fact that I now can’t stop thinking about this man.

I try to shake him out of my head, but as I lie in bed, having a lazy Sunday morning- my mind begins to drift back to him. Specifically, the way his mouth felt around my cock.

Before I can even fully realize what I’m doing, I reach my hand under the covers and grasp my fully hardened cock. As I begin to slowly stroke myself, I imagine once again how his mouth felt closed around my cock.

His tongue licking me up and down, his teeth grazing me and sending small, exhilarating shivers down my spine. I remember how my dick felt inside of his throat, and how we both thrusted into each other’s mouths while we were cumming.

It was truly amazing, and I’ve never experienced anything like that. All I want right now is to feel that again. I keep envisioning myself fucking his throat out as he lies upside down, hanging off the edge of the very bed I’m lying on right now.

As I stroke myself even harder, I imagine fucking his throat as hard and as fast as I can, while he’s slapping my legs, gasping for a breath of air. I begin to cum at the same time I imagine myself cumming down his throat- him swallowing every single last drop of it.

Afterwards, I just lie in bed, letting my body rest after that pure ecstasy it just felt.

After a short nap, I shower and then decide to take one of the horses out for a quick ride. I have nothing planned for today ranch-wise, and I can’t just sit around the house all day masturbating to another man.

So, a few minutes I’m riding one of my youngest horses- Rodger- down the dirt road, with no particular destination in mind. Or so I thought.

I end up all the way back at the empty barn house where Samantha led Asher and I on the night of our first threesome together. I jump off of Rodger, tie him up, and stare at the building before heading inside.

Once inside, I take a peek around. It looks exactly the same- I don’t think anyone even owns this place anymore.

Being in here takes me back to that night. The night when everything changed.

“Looks like we both had the same idea.”

A voice from my right scares my soul right out of my body. I had no idea anyone was in here. I look around, searching for who the words came from.

A figure emerges from the corner, and it’s Asher. The first thought that goes through my mind is- what the fuck is he doing here? But the second thought- well, I probably don’t have to spell that one out.

“Asher- I didn’t know you were in here. I’m sorry, I’ll leave.”

“No! Stay!” he shouts, in an almost desperate tone.

We lock eyes, and I can see him regretting those words.

“I mean, you don’t have to leave. I was just about to head out anyways.”

“Oh… you sure?”

The two of us have unintentionally sort of drifted towards each other, and we’re now standing just a couple feet apart. The air between us feels particularly thick.

“So um, what brought you here?” He asks.

“Honestly, I was just out riding Rodger and just sort of ended up here.”

“Oh- yeah same. My Minny is tied up out back.”

I nod, continuing to stare at the ground. For some reason- I’m scared to look him in the eyes right now. Maybe it’s because I can feel my dick hardening, or maybe it’s because I don’t want him to see the truth that lies behind my eyes.