
Ijust barely contain my rage while interacting with my father. When he noticed I was home, I pretended like I had never heard his conversation. I act like everything is completely fine, and even fake a little enthusiasm at the sight of him, making him think that I actually missed him.

Turns out I’m actually an amazing actor- maybe I should start pursuing that when I’m finished modeling. Although I’m sure my father would throw an equally large fit if I started doing that.

The only work he approves of for a woman is being a housewife. And let's just say that that is thelastthing I plan on doing with my life.

When I woke up this morning, everyone was gone except my father- which left me to eat breakfast alone with him. Awkward doesn’t even begin to explain it.

I will say- the one good thing about my father is his cooking. He makesamazingfood, no matter what ingredients he’s given.

For breakfast, he made us some cinnamon french toast, maple bacon, and spicy sunny side up eggs. Absolutely fucking delicious. Makes it hard to stay mad at him while I’m scarfing down his food.

“So darlin’, you planning on staying home for a while? I know it would make your mother extremely happy. She’s been very lonely without her only daughter.”

Ah yes, the guilt. Does he really think that’s going to work on me? I know every one of his stupid little tricks.

“You know, I’m still deciding. I haven’t booked my return flight home yet.”

“Well good. We miss you around here- and so does Whitney.”

“I know, Dad- I know. Trust me, I miss everyone too. But I have a life back in New York. And that life is important to me.”

“How could anything be more important than your own family?”

“Dad, you do realize that I’m my own person right? I don’thaveto do exactly what the rest of the family does. I don’thaveto do whatyouwant me to do. I’m an individual who has her own interests and passions.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ve heard all of this before. I guess I just don’t understand how one person can be so selfish.”

“Selfish? Are you kidding me? Okay I’m not doing this with you right now. I’m sorry Dad- I love you, but this is enough. I’m not going to let you put me down for following my dreams and doing what I love.”

“How canthatbe what you love? Prancing around naked for all of the world to see?! How do you think that makes your family feel?”

“You know what Dad? I don’t care how it makes you feel. If you don’t like it, don’t fucking look. You should be the one supporting me the most- out of everyone. You should be the one protecting me, and if people say shit about me- you should be defending me. Because I’m yourdaughter, not your property. Now I’m done with this conversation- I refuse to do this with you again.”

I throw my plate in the sink and head outside.

“Where are you going?!” he shouts after me.

“I’m taking Whitney for a ride, or are you going to tell me I can’t do that either??”

I don’t wait for his response, instead I run straight to the barn, and right to Whitney’s stall. It’s the first chance I’ve gotten to come see her since I got home, and I think both of us are equally excited about that.

“Whitney baby!! Ohh how I missed you my love,” I whisper, giving her a good rub on her side just how she likes it.

I saddle her up, and a short while later, we’re on our way off the ranch, galloping down the dirt road.

Feeling the fresh air on my face, hair blowing back in the wind- I forget about every single other thing in the world. I forget about the argument with my father, and how the conversation I overheard. I forget about the stress of my job, or the confusion I feel deep inside over how I want my life to go.

All I know at this moment is Whitney. It’s just me and her against the world, and together we’re unstoppable.

We loop back towards home and stop at the orchard across the street that separates two other ranches. I hop off of her and tie her to one of the trees. I grab a giant carrot out of her pouch and hand it to her, before picking an apple off of the tree for myself.

This right here, is paradise. It really is times like this where I just miss being home. And I can’t help but think that if it weren’t for my father- I would still be here, able to do this whenever I wanted.

Just as I’m deep in thought, Whitney starts looking around like she’s seeing something. I follow her gaze, to see two beautiful, muscular men walking towards us.

It doesn’t take me long to realize that these are definitely the guys that my father was planning on setting me up with.Fuck.