Page 48 of Two Cowboys For Her


It's Saturday afternoon and Asher and I are at the farmer’s market. Every weekend people bring their goodies into town to sell. Whether it is fresh tomatoes or homemade jams and jellies, they have it here at the market.

The Farmer’s market is more than just a marketplace, there are also games and amusement park rides for the kids and craft vendors selling their wares for adults.

“What’s your favorite thing about the Farmer’s Market?” Asher asks.

“If I have to pick one thing, it would be the funnel cakes. I’ll never get enough of those funnel cakes!”

“Well then, we better go get you one.”

Asher starts walking towards the funnel cake booth and I follow him.

“How about you, what’s your favorite thing?” I ask.

“I like the food as well.”

I give Asher a smile and he returns it with a smile of his own. Asher is a decent guy and easy to get along with. I could really fall for him in any other situation. We get to the front of the funnel cake line and buy two.

“I’d like extra powdered sugar please,” I ask.

“Sure thing, ma’am,” says the lady selling the funnel cakes.

When she hands me my funnel cake, I immediately take a bite of deep-fried goodness.

“You really love those things, don’t you?” Asher asks.

“More than anything. You cannot get funnel cakes like these in New York. They just aren’t the same.”

Asher steers us out of the crowd and towards a bench where we can sit and eat in peace. Asher eats his funnel cake slowly, but I eat mine quickly. When I finish, I get up and throw away the paper in the trash bin next to us.

“You’re a good citizen.”

“I try.”

Asher finishes eating his funnel cake and I take his wrapper and throw it away. Now we are sitting without a reason. I want to get up and look around.

“Let’s go look at the quilts.”

“Sure thing,” says Asher.

He gets up and follows me to the part of the Farmer’s Market that is set up with people selling their crafts.

“Look at these quilts, aren’t they fabulous?”

“Wow, this is gorgeous. Do you think it’s all handmade?” Asher picks up a folded quilt that has a star pattern.

I take the quilt from Asher and look closely at the quilting stitches. They are almost perfect.

“The stitching looks too perfect for someone to hand sew. But you never know, some women and men can sew better than a machine. Years of practice and all that.”

“The pattern is so intricate. I can’t imagine the talent and skill it takes to finish something like this,” he nods his head.

Asher takes the quilt from me and puts it back down on the table. I continue to study the quilts. There are quilts of all colors: red, green, yellow, purple, all the colors of the rainbow are represented on this quilt table.

“I’d like to learn to quilt one day,” says Asher.

“Really? You like to quilt?”